
The Ultimate Guide to Better Health


Whether you follow the Keto Diet, or the Paleo Diet, or you’re a herbivore, omnivore, carnivore, vegetarian or vegan . . .

Know the Power of the Pharmaceutical Industry and how it has made you ill. Know the complicity of general practitioners to do the opposite of what you expect

So … How To Look After Your Own Health

Let’s First Take a Brief Look at Popular Diets

The Atkins Diet

Popular from its outset in the 70s, the Atkins Diet is still considered relevant in the 21st century. It is said to be a long-term dietary program for healthy weight loss and maintenance. Advocates believe in it because they say it works, it is a structured plan and it restricts the oft-excess of carbohydrates taken in by most Americans, in particular. Waffles for breakfast etc… ! It is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet which sounds like a keto diet, but there are specific differences with the Atkins diet, such as being also high-protein.

The Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high fat diet, referred often as an LCHF diet. All the normal animal and poultry meat is allowed, but no wheat grain products or rice and pasta, and no fruit except a limited amount of berries such as strawberries. Fatty fish, eggs and butter and cream are in, even coffee with butter in it! But smoothies and ice cream are out!

With the keto diet, energy for the body is produced from the protein and fat intake, or from the excess fat already in the body, instead of from carbohydrates. The ketones which the liver naturally produces are raised as a result of the ketosis state of the body under this regime.

Apparently, body builders can choose to go on a Cyclical Keto diet for, say, four days, and then have a relatively high carbohydrate diet for three days. But those wanting specifically to shed the pounds are recommended the Standard Keto diet which consists of 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% or 20 to 50 grams carbohydrates.

A Modified Ketogenic Diet for Autism

With the continuing rise of children with Autism, it has been noticed that they tend to shy away from fresh fruit and vegetables, preferring snack foods and processed starchy food.

Has there been any significant research into this aversion to these glorious foods, I wonder?

The taste and texture of food in the mouth, is, apparently, important to an autistic child. The development of a modified keto diet, therefore, has been seen as an option to encourage more nutritional eating. It consists of a lower carbohydrate intake together with moderate protein for the child’s brain and muscle development, and also includes high fat, being aware, of course, of any tendency to obesity or heart problems.

Fatty or oily fish would obviously be recommended, also avocadoes and whole eggs (laid by non-vaccinated hens, I would add!) and nuts – almonds and walnuts as examples, and chia seeds which, like the fish, have a large content of omega-3, and also useful fibre. Extra virgin olive oil on salads or even roast potatoes, as well as from mum’s cooking preference, would add to a balanced high-fat diet.

For children who do not have a dairy product aversion, cheese, and double cream are a great source of good fat. The web page of the American Health and Therapy company,, which may be a useful source of help, is entitled “The Optimal Food List for Autism (& What to Avoid) (”. Elemy also recommend the Autism MEAL Plan and the Gluten free/ casein free (GFCF) diet as two other options for parents of autistic children.

The Paleo Diet

The paleolithic diet excludes foods from a supposed modern agricultural age. Grains, legumes and lentils are therefore out. All the usual animal meats, fish and poultry are allowed, vegetables and fruit, but no dairy products, or, naturally, processed foods. Obviously, following the ‘caveman’ style of living, artificial sweeteners, soda drinks and refined vegetable oils would be out as well.

The Paleo Keto or Ketogenic Paleo Diet

This combines what is said to be the best of each diet, or a modified version of the full ketogenic diet. A pyramid diagram of this combined diet allows for certain ‘safe’ starch foods, picturing potatoes, squash, sweet potatoes and rice. Proponents who specialise in advising on this diet recommend it as having the benefits of both the Paleo and the Keto diet, especially if one is battling with chronic health issues. It is, of course, again, an LCHF – low carbohydrate, high fat diet. It is the introduction of carbohydrates into the weaned child, apparently, that changes our metabolism.

Basically, these LCHF diets are said to be that of ‘early humans’, a ‘hunter gatherer’ lifestyle. Therefore, it is meat and fish based, with added berries, some fruit and, preferably, above-ground grown vegetables. Grains, pulses, and legumes, (beans) are not included as these are the products of agriculture. Quinoa, also, which is an amazing food, but because it is classed as a grain, is not recommended!

Although many aspects of these diets may be helpful, even healing for some with serious health issues, in that it would reduce toxins in the body, the fact that its basic principle is based on the never proven ‘Theory’ so-called, of Evolution, discredits its believed history. Husbandry, the care and growth of crops and plants is an ancient craft. And whilst perhaps the people of Brittania and Europe were cave-dwellers and hunter-gatherers, the inhabitants of the Middle East built cities. They were experienced structural engineers and mathematicians. They had to be in order to build a structure like Solomon’s Temple three thousand years ago!

And, perhaps at this point, I could add a useful observation that has developed, and that is the mental state of the eater as the food is placed in front of you. “Saying Grace”, that is, giving thanks to God in Heaven for your food is something that is not only wise, as an act of devotion and gratitude, but actually, the physical and mental restraint from diving in and gulping down the food in a rush has been proven to aid digestion and optimise the flow of nutriments into the body. Putting the mind in a restful state stimulates the digestive juices in the anticipation of the eating and allows the digestive system to process the food much better.

The Herbivore / Vegetarian / Vegan Diet

A mainly or wholly plant-based diet which depends on the individual likes and dislikes. Some vegetarians eat eggs and dairy produce, but a strict vegan diet excludes all animal products including fish.

The Omnivore Diet

Most people who eat meat and fish also eat some vegetables and fruit, making them omnivores rather than wholly carnivorous.

The Carnivore Diet

I had supposed that only wild animals such as lions, leopards, cheetahs and the like and birds such as hawks and other birds of prey can be said to be totally carnivorous! But I had forgotten that certain cultures through the centuries are actually totally carnivorous, these being the Inuit, the Masai, Monguls, and the Sámi (sometimes referred to as Laplanders). Phil Escott on his YouTube channel speaks of his diet being the same as these ancient cultures, and he loves it!

Each Diet Has Its Own Rules and Regulations

Each diet then has its own rules and regulations. You have to choose which is best for you, which brings to you the greatest benefit in terms of your general wellbeing and health. We each have our own metabolism, body mass, organ size and bone frame, and what we take into our bodies must have an appropriate effect.

You may be in a certain situation with your health that forces you to think carefully about what diet you should follow, or what foods should or should not be ingested into your body. Then, if necessary, you should seek genuine good advice from those qualified in nutrition. And as you will learn from this book, that advice is very, very rarely found these days in the medical profession…

But it amazes me how little some people are aware of what their bodies need or what is not benefitting them. It’s no good indulging in a whole box of chocolates and then wondering why something feels not quite right a few hours later!!

What I’m keen to bring out in this book is that each one of us should be responsible for looking after ourselves. Beware if your doctor gives you no nutritional advice when you attend the clinic with something that bothers you!! You may have implicit faith in your local GP, but nevertheless, this is what Frenchman Voltaire (1694 – 1778) wrote “Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing.”

As you will discover, the medical fraternity has not been the most honourable in helping you to keep in the best of health…


So, let’s look into the past for a while and see that the 19th century ushered in a War on the Health of the Nations. I should add, mainly of the Western Nations, as Eastern Nations have held sophisticated health systems for centuries.

The Health War I refer to was between two Frenchmen. Both were in the medical field, with Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) a chemist and Pierre Antoine Béchamp (1816–1908) a professor of medicine and pharmacy.

Looking at comparative photographs of these two bearded and mustachioed gentlemen, the Professor Béchamp appears sincere and dignified, whereas Louis Pasteur appears hard and with an almost thuggish expression!

Louis Pasteur teamed up with a German medical doctor and microbiologist, Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch (1843–1910) – usually referred to as simply Robert Koch – the same to which Koch’s Postulates is attributed, a medical system still in operation in 21st century modern medicine – to promote the Germ Theory. A book to be recommended is “Goodbye Germ Theory: ending a century of medical fraud” by William P. Trebing, available from Amazon or from a free downloaded pdf.

The definition of “postulates” is to suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief. And herein lies the beginning of the trouble: the cracks in the armour of the germ theory!

In 21st century modern medicine, Robert Koch’s particular experiments on dead and living animals are said to demonstrate that “the medical applications of biotechnology still heavily depend on the Koch’s principles of affirming the causes of infectious diseases”.

This is the reasoning of the Germ Theory: Disease, it dictates, arises from outside the body. While the medical profession outwardly acknowledges the Koch’s Postulates system, in practice it cannot, as its diagnoses of disease is flawed!! “To fight illness”, Pasteur said, “you have to treat the symptoms”.

Not the root cause, note, but only the symptoms! This is the same as treating a damp wall with some fungicide when the house has no damp-proof course!

The Germ Theory, therefore, pays no attention to the pH value of the blood and cells in the body. It completely ignores the natural immune system of the body.

And it pays very minimal attention to the anatomy and the physiology – that is, the study of nature; origin – observing the normal function and activity of the blood and the cells of the body.

The other Frenchman, Antoine Béchamp, was in association with another Frenchman of the 19th century – Claude Bernard (1813–1878) – a physiologist, hailed by an enthusiastic Harvard man as, “one of the greatest of all men of science”, and also with Englishwoman Florence Nightingale (1820–1910), famous for her sterling contribution to the care of sick and injured soldiers in the Crimean War. A German medical doctor, Rudolph Virchow (1821–1902) completed the foursome pioneering the Terrain – or Soil – Theory, as it is also called.

In February 2022 “Terrain: The Film” was launched. Produced by Dr Andrew Kaufman, a now well-known American exponent of the falsehood of Germ Theory, and co-produced and directed by Marcelina Cravat, founder of Passelande Pictures production company, this two-part documentary was screened live-stream and free, and was available from March 1st, 2022, for just $23USD.

The success and acceptance of this fine documentary will certainly go a long way in bringing down the house of cards erected by the Pharmaceutical Industry and its medical and government associates.

For, because its principles have been not just hidden but also maligned over the past one hundred and fifty years, the Terrain Theory at first may seem too complicated in comparison to the simplistic Germ Theory where the body is said to be under constant bombardment of germs which only medical intervention can cure. However, by opening the mind to agree with its proponents, we learn that dis-ease arises from waste or toxins within the cells of the body, causing it dis-ease, or a lack of balance.

“The primary cause of disease is within us, always within us,” said Antoine Béchamp. It was observed that each dis-ease was linked in with a particular condition of the body. As advocates of the Terrain Theory, these pioneers saw that dis-ease is built in unhealthy conditions.

Believing that the pH value of the blood and body is important, unlike the Germ Theory which totally dismisses it, they would seek to restore the balance naturally, without the “aid” of toxic pharmaceutical drugs.

By the way, pH is the abbreviation of ‘potential hydrogen’!

Profitable drugs to the pharmaceutical companies, of course! Health, they said – the Terrain Theory advocates – is created where dis-ease is prevented. They were intensely against vaccination, knowing that its efficiency has never been proved scientifically or medically.

Coming back to the proponents of Terrain Theory, Florence Nightingale herself, as a nurse, observed the progressive change in dis-ease in the men she attended in the most horrible conditions.

If the Germ Theory is correct, as can be successfully argued that it is not, every one of us would be sick all the time because of the constant presence of germs around us. But that is not the case, obviously. Many of us enjoy excellent health and many live to a ripe old age!

It has also been observed by Terrain Theory proponents that germs, bacteria and viruses – whatever they are! – and even fungi actually present themselves to engage in a cleaning-up process of a body which has become toxic. They behave rather like the necessary scavengers of the earth cleaning up detritus and carcasses, or – and think about this – as bacteria is used in our modern sewerage systems… Germs, therefore, are a natural part of life; a well and healthy body will be able to deal with the environment without getting sick.

Of course, increasingly, certain technologies have been proved to be harmful, but, again, a strong immune system from the body’s own natural resources will be able to combat the assault. And there are additional natural wonders like the shungite stone available which claim to act as a physical shield against harmful electro-magnetic radiation.

Louis Pasteur apparently had immense support for his ideas and experiments which Antoine Béchamp lacked. Money does equate to Power, and as we should learn, not of the right kind… The extent of the damage this hoax Germ Theory has caused world-wide over decades, is incalculable, and never more so during the years since February 2020…

Building On the Lie In the 19th and 20th Century

I’ll read in a moment a speech about John D Rockefeller, which translated from Italian was entitled “How Did Modern Medicine Begin? and was broadcasted by ‘London Real – Transform Yourself’ in relation to Plandemic Indoctrination.

This is the speech, to which I’ll add some dates and a necessary clarification from the translation …

When John D Rockefeller (1839 – 1937) seized the US Media, he also hijacked US medicine. When it was discovered that drugs could be produced from petroleum, America’s top oil mogul ordered his army of propagandists to invert reality accordingly. Medicines used for thousands of years were suddenly classified as “alternative”, while the new petroleum-based, highly addictive and patentable drugs were declared the “gold standard”.

After buying the German pharmaceutical company that manufactured chemicals of war for Adolf Hitler, Rockefeller leveraged his political influence by pressing Congress to declare natural healing modalities . . . “unscientific quackery”.

Rockefeller then took control of the American Medical Association and began offering massive grants to top medical schools under the mandate that only his approved curriculum would be taught. Any mention of the healing powers of herbs, plants and diet were erased from most medical textbooks. Doctors and professors who objected to Rockefeller’s plan were crucified by the media, removed from the AMA and stripped of their licence to teach and practice medicine. Those who dared to speak out were arrested and jailed.

When evidence began to emerge that petroleum-based medicines were causing cancer, Mr. Rockefeller founded the American Cancer Society (1913) through which he suppressed that information. John D Rockefeller is duly credited as the founder of the pharmaceutical industry and the reason that medical error (that is, Iatrogenesis) is currently the third leading cause of death in America. (Articles including one on CNBC, author Ray Sipherd) This is not an indictment against doctors. More than anyone, they are under the stranglehold of the single largest lobbying power in Washington. Every year the pharmaceutical industry spends at least twice the amount on ADL – this is Italian: “attivita di lobbying, ie. lobbying ! – to influence laws and policies and public perception. Thanks to Mr. Rockefeller, the architect of American monopolies, no industry has more power over our lives than Big Pharma.(End quotes; end of the speech.)

Wow! After that, you may need to take in a large gulp of breath yourself and absorb the massive criminality that has taken place, and how your health is affected today. Adding this knowledge to the still current 1939 Cancer Act enforceable in Great Britain – so Northern Ireland is excluded – you may wonder what exactly is “Health Care” in 21st century Britain? More than ever is it necessary to shun anything that is not truly natural and nutritious!

The 1939 Cancer Act, if you are unaware, forbids medical practitioners to offer any other treatment for cancers other than that prescribed, which is chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. It forbids any claim for curing cancers by any other means than by the medical industry, which translates as “Big Pharma”!

In recent months a keen interest has arisen in Paul’s letter to the Galatians! In Chapter 5 and verses 19 and 20, where the works of the flesh are listed, one of these, in verse 20, is “witchcraft”. One normally associates witchcraft with the incanting of spells, words to curse or harm someone. However, an astute study of the Greek reveals the word as pharmakeia. And, according to Strong’s Concordance – the very best of Bible Concordances! – its definition is “the use of medicine, drugs or spells”, and its usage, “magic, sorcery and enchantment”, which translates practically as poisoning, doing harm, murder…

Another “WOW”!! What enormous harm has been inflicted upon the world in recent months! What poisons have been injected into human arms! What enormous lies have been thrice incanted – if you decipher what I mean!! [Hands – Face – Space]

Let us then go Forward One Hundred Years from Louis Pasteur: – From A Little Good to Very Bad

In the UK, a Ministry of Food was set up in 1939, as the Second World War broke out. This was long after food rationing had been imposed in World War One from 1918 to 3rd May 1919. There is online a reproduction of the Times Newspaper article dated 2nd May 1919 which reads, “After tomorrow food coupons will vanish, we trust never to reappear”. But of course, it was reinstated in 1940 on the British people and continued right up to 1954.

Some groups of people, it is said, actually had their eating habits and diet improved during the rationing as they received a small amount of a more varied diet. However, it can only be through a reduced diet that mothers whose babies were born in 1941 had one less layer of skin!!

A former General Practitioner based in Bournemouth, Dorset, where I live, realised that since the 1960s, the health of the Nation greatly deteriorated. He observed that diseases and afflictions such as cancers, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Migraine and Alzheimer’s, which are so very common today in the 21st century, were hardly heard of before the ’60s; they were that rare.

Dr John Millward observed also that prior to the ’60s the National Health Service was well run and there was little general illness. The accent was on PREVENTING disease. Research was focused on Nutrition. Food production, also, was local and fresh.

Switching to natural medicine some fifteen years before, Dr Millward from his experience saw that a combination of the EU, the Drugs Industry and the NHS brought about a change in the UK which has been a change for the worse and not for the better…

Today, in 21st century Britain, regarding medicine, just as Rockefeller did in the US, it is the Drug Companies themselves which run education on Health in the medical schools. Their priority is to make people drug dependent. The National Health Service is run by lobbying not research, again, just as under John D Rockefeller. Much of our food is now mass produced, and nowadays there is little-to-no real research into nutrition.

An article published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on the 13th of June 2018 admitted that although food and nutrition have been studied for centuries, modern nutritional science is surprisingly young. This is Disgraceful! No wonder, as a consequence, illness within our Nation has become out of proportion. We have been seduced into thinking that we can never be completely well and healthy. But the fact of the matter is we were made and meant to be in perfect health! It is time for the miracle of our immune system to be recognised and assisted by our good behaviour!

Cancer, for example, Dr Millward discovered, is often caused by a selenium deficiency. Selenium is found in brazil nuts and walnuts, and a number of other easy-to-access foods which I’ll speak about in the Nutrition section later. Furthermore, it is not helpful to our health in the UK, that the EU has banned many well-known supplements – vitamins and natural medicines. And as for the practice of Homeopathy, that is scorned and derided as “unscientific”.

A well-qualified and experienced intensive care doctor in the British NHS said derisively that ‘the doses prescribed in homeopathy are far too small to be of any effect’, proving conclusively that she knew absolutely nothing of the concept of homeopathy!

In line with the Italian report of medical errors being the third leading cause of deaths in America, prescription drugs, it has also been reported, kills one person every 14 minutes in the USA! Three million Americans were hospitalised through the so-called “side effects” of prescription drugs. Australia also has some horrific statistics.

In the UK, a 2018 combined study from several Universities found that an estimated 237 MILLION medication errors occur in the NHS in England every year! That is staggering! There are no more than 60 million people in England (56,550,000 in 2020). Avoidable Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) the researchers said, caused hundreds of deaths, presumably they mean each year. But also staggering is their saying that, quote, “ADRs could be a contributory factor to between 1,700 and 22,303 deaths a year” end quote.

Not very accurate, which again makes one wonder what level of patient care are we experiencing! The medical term for the diagnosis of illness or death from medical errors is “Iatrogenesis”.

Yet there have been no deaths at all, ever, from the despised so-called “unscientific” Homeopathy advice or treatment! Truly, because of the “Germ Theory” and laboratory experiments on the dead tissue of dead animals, which bears no relation to the living condition, there is nothing more unscientific than “modern medicine” and its incessant prescribing of harmful, toxic pharmaceutical drugs!

Corresponding figures for the UK are difficult to obtain, as all drug deaths are lumped together, so there is no distinction between deaths from addictive drugs or from prescription drugs. An article in the Daily Telegraph in 2007, however, reported that prescription deaths had doubled in a decade. [author, Joanna Corrigan, 22 Oct 2007]. We can presume that little or no reduction has been made to this phenomenal rise.

Just now I referred to “so-called side effects” … This commonly used term “side effects” is also very misleading. It obscures the reality of the harmfulness of pharmaceutical products upon the human body. To speak of “side effects” suggests that the medicine is actually good and will help you get over your specific medical problem, but unfortunately there are certain little side effects to it. But don’t worry; keep taking the pills.

Every prescription drug packet carries its list of the possible “side effects” from the drug. The leaflet inside the packet is called a PIL – Patient Information Leaflet. The initial adverse reactions are mostly always the same: headaches, nausea, fatigue and dizziness. People have been programmed to accept these reactions as normal, but what actually do these reactions suggest has happened to the body that has ingested these substances? A normal healthy person does not have headaches, nausea, fatigue and dizziness without a discernible reason.

What then has actually taken place in the body of the patient ingesting these pharmaceutical petro-chemically-based prescription drugs? Tiny blood clots have been formed as the toxins enter into the bloodstream and have travelled to the brain.

Hence, the headaches, and the nausea, and the dizziness, and a little later, the fatigue. So, are these really “side effects”, or are they the results of damage to the system leading to blot clots in the brain?

Let’s Talk About the Petro-Chemical Products Prescribed as Medicines

Firstly, the oil from the ground which is broken down into many different compounds for many uses is NOT a fossil fuel. Thomas Gold’s book “The Deep Hot Biosphere” clearly dispels the myth.

Many other researchers have countered the narrative that oil is a fossil fuel, saying instead, it, like natural gas and coal, is abiotic, meaning it self-perpetuates in the heart of the earth. Therefore, all three, oil, natural gas and coal are NOT non-renewables! That is a myth! But, again, how amazing! Yet the God-rejecting corporate bosses have to diminish the abundance of His Creation!

Petrochemicals (sometimes abbreviated as petchems) are the chemical products obtained from petroleum by refining. In the petrochemical industry, the organic chemicals produced in the largest volumes are methanol, ethylene, propylene, butadiene, benzene, toluene, and xylenes. Ethylene, propylene, and butadiene, along with butylenes, are collectively called olefins, which belong to a class of unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having the general formula CnH2n.

Let’s look at a few of these:

Ethylene. Ethylene oxide is used to make anti-freeze. It is also used in covid swap tests. It is carcinogenic.

Propylene. Propylene glycol is used as a solvent in drug manufacturing. It helps other chemicals to which you are exposed to reach the bloodstream. So, although it is classified as “safe”, it harms in this clandestine way!

Benzene is a pain killer, and used as a ’flu medication, and used in the decaffeinating coffee process. It is a known carcinogenic.

Toluene produces dangerous fumes which can cause nausea, headaches, unconsciousness, and even death if inhaled. It is used in paint thinners etc.

One very well-known product is petroleum jelly, marketed most popularly as Vaseline. The company states that Vaseline contains petroleum jelly and is filtered three times to remove all impurities. As a soothing healing agent, it helps to keep moisture in the skin. It does this by forming a protective, waterproof layer over the skin. In other words, it is NOT absorbed into the body and therefore the blood stream is not contaminated!

However, active pharma ingredients used to manufacture bulk drugs are: Fluconazole, Amlodipine Besylate, Cetirizine Dihydrochloride, Artesunate, and Atenolol. Let’s go through these in turn for their adverse reactions:

Fluconazole. Its adverse reactions are these: the common ones are gastrointestinal upsets, skin rashes, and headaches. It produces an elevated liver function on testing. If your liver enzymes are going to be elevated when you take this drug, basically it means that your liver is becoming toxic.

Amlodipine Besylate. This also produces abnormal Liver Function on testing; extreme fatigue; muscle cramp; heart palpitations; sore skin, and … Death.

Cetirizine Dihydrochloride. This produces sleepiness, dizziness, headache; diarrhoea, nausea, a dry mouth; fatigue; pharyngitis; abdominal pain; and pruritus, which is itchy skin.

Artesunate. This causes kidney problems, jaundice, and fever

Atenolol. This causes drowsiness and a sensation of spinning or whirling; wheezing; nausea; diarrhea; low energy and weakness; abnormal dreams and leg pain.

So,, is not the sensible action to have nought to do with these poisonous substances? Look after your own health!!

Further Reasons for A Decline in the NHS

Why our National Health Service in the UK has been so corrupted and operates contradictory to the system in many other countries, is a matter for strong debate. A retired Orthopaedic Surgeon from Devon, UK, David Halpin, lectures on his extensive research into the 1980s. [website:] It appears that Margaret Thatcher, the then British Prime Minister, listened whole-heartedly and enthusiastically to American promoters of market forces and hence introduced some very radical changes into the running of the NHS.

It has been reported that Margaret Thatcher also put a stop to home births with the personal aid of a mid-wife, forcing women to have their babies in a hospital. Whether she was complicit with the policy to have the placenta whisked away for medical research, specifically for stem cell research, I could not say, but that is what was done, and is still being done, apparently.

Meanwhile, new mothers are being treated as “patients”, that is to say, in need of “medical attention”, when they could, in the main, be in the comfort of their own home being attended by a designated qualified and caring midwife!

The website of The Royal Women’s Hospital, Victoria, Australia, states that “these (harvested) stem cells will be used to develop novel therapies to treat a wide range of other significant human diseases and disorders”. So, we see again that the deceit of the Medical Industry – for it truly is an Industry – is based on the firmly-held Germ Theory. If the truth that illnesses are brought about by a dis-ease of the human body, how much sorcery would be avoided!

When one finally grasps the grand hoax of “modern medicine”, the term “novel therapies” conjures up in the mind the sinister experimentation of a former regime…

Let’s Talk About No Duty of Candour…

I’m sure that the majority of people using the National Health Service of the UK have no idea what the “Memorandum of Understanding: No Duty of Candour” is, or have even heard of it. If someone you know has died or been severely injured in hospital and you are certain it was due to negligence or harm, and no-one was prepared to listen when you raised your concern, That is No Duty of Candour in operation! [a recommended read is “Humanity In Medicine? – no duty of candour” a free e-book which can be downloaded from the webpage]

No medic will inform against another medic. No investigation will be made into what caused or contributed to the death or injury, through say, a harmful procedure. No forensic toxicology will be performed which would have revealed, say, an overdose of drugs, or a wrongly administered drug, making any postmortem they decided to do fraudulent. In their eyes, they are beyond reproach. Their methods are the best, and everything else, according to them, is quackery. Like “Alice Through the Looking Glass” everything is the wrong way round!

It is true to say that whatever outer spheres of Government legislation have been applied, or whatever its involvement with Pharmaceutical Companies, the UK Medical Profession lives and breathes “No Duty of Candour”. This corrupt statute must serve to undermine the original desire for a health service which was to provide genuine help for all at the point of need. And, moreover, to cause no harm to its patients.

Instead, this “Memorandum of Understanding” with its adamant principle of preserving the job or reputation of a medical colleague, has laid down rules for the ‘right way’ to go about running a Health Service which no lesser mortal can or dare oppose. This arrogance, where it has flourished most, has been to the deadly cost of the patient. Adding to this the fraudulent belief and practice of the “Germ Theory”, we have a recipe for disaster if we are in the sad position of needing genuine health care!

This is a Major Reason why it is So Important to Look After One’s Own Health and not run to the doctor at every sneeze!!

The long-term practice of treating the symptoms and not the root cause; the treating of the human body as individual parts and not seeing the whole as a complete organism; the treating of the human body as comprising only of chemicals and not considering its electromagnetic field, all add up to laboratory-manufactured, synthetic toxins being prescribed for incomplete diagnoses. By the way, the proof of you having an electric system is demonstrated by taking the lead from a laptop with an indicator light showing it fully charged (mine is green) and pressing the connection end into your moistened finger – and the light will show you fully charged!

The Dangers of Modern Health Reform

In recent years, new proposals seemingly to reform in the NHS actually put more power into the hands of GPs already brain-washed, the late Dr Millward said. The Drug Companies already have them in their pockets – literally, I would say; they are as good as money in their wallets… Dr Millward admitted that in his former days in General Practice, he was offered “encouragements” by the Drug Companies, something he found abhorrent. This was, and still is, the culture, the established form, between Medical Practitioners and the Pharmaceutical Companies.

This is one of the practices that Ben Goldacre, in his book “Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients” seeks to highlight…

Why Is There Government Resistance to Alternatives?

In the UK, the general public was allowed no say at all in those reforms which the then coalition Government planned (2010 – 2015). Under its regime, the people meekly took whatever system and treatment it deemed to be the best for them.

Whereas in Germany, many different systems operate which assist the proper diagnosis of ailments. One example is the diagnostic machine for the “Vega Test”. First devised by German physician, R. Voll, it was later modified by Helmut Schimmel, a former student of Voll, ten years later.

The late Dr Schimmel who is mentioned by Dr Millward in the Dedication of his book “The Treason Within: The Threat to Your Health, and How to Combat It” – which is still available, incidentally, on Amazon – created the first model of an electroacupuncture device, based on vegetative resonance diagnostic testing.

Then in 1978, German Company “Vega” developed the apparatus for the “Vega Test”. 15 years’ research by Dr Schimmel and his advocates has produced a highly effective diagnostic method. Dr Millward used this machine regularly to diagnose mineral deficiencies in his patients right up to his death when well into his 80s.

It was German doctors, incidentally, who discovered that cancer patients were deficient in selenium.

Nevertheless, in the UK, together with other Medical Associations in the English-speaking world, namely, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, and America, there has arisen a strange opposition to any ‘interference’ to the operative practices of the Medical Fraternity.

N.I.C.E. – the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence in the UK – for instance, advise against the use of the Vega testing machine. In several cases, practitioners from those other Countries opposing the Vega Test were severely disciplined for using it.

Choosing to denounce, even denigrate this fascinating device, these Countries, including the UK, continue to pour buckets of much-needed cash into the Pharmaceutical Companies. Yet this “Vega” machine, being used in Austria, England, Germany, Greece, Poland, Russia and the Ukraine, for correct diagnosing of patients, brings real and lasting results. If the UK NHS invested in these machines, the cost to the country, compared to prescription drugs would be very much less.

Interestingly, England is in this list of ‘believers’, meaning, happily, that his constant use of the device did not bring Dr Millward into a charge of criminal activity! The Medical Profession in England for the moment, therefore, can simply scoff at the practice of homeopathy. However, its Regulatory Body in London, UK, the GMC, (General Medical Council) was strong in deriding the thorough and extensive research on vaccines, particularly the MMR vaccine, carried out by Dr Andrew Wakefield enough to have him struck off as a GP, and forcing him out of the country. Happily, both Sweden and Japan recognised the validity of his work and stopped their MMR vaccination programmes. And the good doctor went to America and found a new and satisfying life and career in film making!

Discovering Useful Dietary Findings

Building up information about natural and easily available vitamins, minerals and condiments which already exist in quality-grown foods – or obtained as supplements – gives you the basis for laying a foundation in maintaining a healthy body.

In addition, it is good to be aware of the alkaline or acidic value of the food you eat. For example, beef and sardines are classified as being high acid, whereas broccoli and celery are highly alkaline. Increasing alkalinity in one’s daily diet, according to nutritionists, boosts your general health and reduces the risk of chronic disease, especially in dealing with cancer.

It is advised that the best ratio in a diet is between 60 – 80% alkaline and 20 – 40% acidic. So, there is quite a degree of tolerance. You don’t have to ignore foods that you like altogether just because they are classified as highly acidic. What’s more delicious than a juicy good quality steak or roast beef? besides beef gives you protein, iron, zinc, selenium, and vitamin B12.

You just need to be aware of the alkaline – acid ratio so that you are not on a too-acidic diet. Proponents of the alkaline diet say that the pH level in the blood (which is around 7.4) allows the body to be in a less inflammatory state. You will achieve this by eating more alkaline foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes – peas and beans; those plants which produce a pod which is shelled. A well recommended company for organic foods is BuyWholeFoodsOnline.

I will mention ACV here – apple cider vinegar. Many alternative health websites sing the praises of ACV, attributing to it many advantages to health and well-being. Two tablespoons in a glass of warm water is great for allergies and sinus problems. However, others warn of its high acidity, and therefore harming the enamel of your teeth. It should never be taken or applied to the skin undiluted. It can also lower your potassium levels when taken too much. One health advisor says just use it only as a salad dressing, and not as a drink, possibly because there are times when not to drink it! These are, directly after a meal, just before bed, and before brushing your teeth.

Of course, environmental toxins can influence the pH value of the blood also. We can absorb many toxic substances through the skin by the constant use of many well-known proprietary domestic products, which in a former age were unknown. The use of white vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and lemon juice for cleaning surfaces in the home served the housewife well in the days prior to the corporate companies’ toxic inventions! We have seen a turn of the tide in the last decade, as many people have realised how environmentally friendly and non-toxic these simple ingredients are, and so much better on the budget!

Metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic and cadmium are found naturally in the earth’s crust! They are dangerous heavy metals and can cause severe health problems if exposed to long-term. Thankfully, when ingested in small amounts, well-functioning kidneys can cope and eliminate them.

However, the metals such as copper, selenium, and zinc, are essential in maintaining the metabolism of the human body. We need to discern, then, if we become ill, whether some unwanted heavy metals might have leaked into our food via the production methods used.

Certainly, one should try to minimise the body’s exposure to all unwanted toxins by eating foods grown organically especially home-grown and drinking filtered water if the local water supply is suspect.

Incidentally, the human stomach has a very low pH value which is quite acidic, but it is also highly regulated. The gastrointestinal – GI – tract is composed of the mouth, the oesophagus, the stomach, the small and the large intestines, the liver and the pancreas.

The gastric juices which help to digest food in the stomach are made up mainly of hydrochloric acid secreted by cells lining the stomach walls. At the appropriate time in the digestion process, these cells also flow out mucus high in bicarbonate which raises the blood pH and protects the stomach wall from damage from the corrosive hydrochloric acid.

As you can appreciate, it is an advanced and well-designed biochemical system. How wonderfully made we are!

And you can see how important it is to not do anything which would harm your liver and pancreas. But can you see the wisdom of allowing your digestive juices to work in the best way possible by your being calm and attentive to the food you are eating.

Good Foods for Your Liver

The liver requires foods that are rich in fibre to help it carry out its many functions. One most important is to detoxify the various contaminants (chemicals) in the body and the environment. Obviously, the less toxic products and food stuff we take in, the better protected we are.

Garlic contains sulphur which helps the liver to detoxify all the poisons consumed in prescribed medications, alcohol, pesticides, and other toxins. Other sources of sulphur are onions and egg yolk.

Oat bran is the stripped off outer layer of the oat groat. Being a good source of fibre, it aids in the elimination of bile and “bad” cholesterol produced by the liver when fatty foods and oils are eaten. Oat bran is higher in both calories and protein than wheat bran. Pears and apples are also rich in fibre – and don’t forget to chew the pips in both, as they, like apricot kernels, contain B17, a powerful cancer-killing vitamin!

Brussel sprouts, yes, those most-hated of green vegetables! But they don’t need to be over-boiled and made so disgustingly soggy! Steam them just until they are soft but still nutty, and you will taste the full flavour of this vitamin K-very-rich food! The sprouts from both broccoli and alfalfa will also provide vitamin K, a vitamin which is said to be deficient in people with liver complaints.

Artichokes, that is the globe artichoke, as opposed to the Jerusalem artichoke, has been used for generations as a cleansing food to treat liver dis-ease. Not only is this plant with its leaf full of many anti-oxidants and phytonutrients, but also has as active ingredients caffeoylquinic acids which protect and regenerate the liver. Incidentally, the globe artichoke is recommended for those on the Keto Diet!

Organic chicken as well as fish, and tofu, as a veggie-source – organic of course – are all high-protein foods which prevent the build-up of fat in the liver, and essentially maintain growth and development of all the body’s tissues.

Turmeric is another remedy which has been used for many generations for a number of ailments. Here it is recommended in the treatment of disorders of the liver, and also of the gallbladder.

Dandelion leaves are full of nutrients – vitamins and minerals – even more it is said, than many vegetables! The despised, prolific weed, the curse of the lawn grower, is properly called ‘Taraxacum’, a herb which can be used in salads, and, as a tea, as a natural diuretic to get rid of excess water in the body, which causes unpleasant bloating or swelling. The root is more commonly used to help the function of the liver and also the gallbladder, as it aids digestion.

Properly harvested and prepared leaves and root are easily available from reputable suppliers, both online and offline, in retail shops.

Legumes such as kidney beans, peas, chickpeas, and soybeans – make sure these are organic and not GMO – are recommended particularly in keeping the liver healthy. These legumes aid in detoxifying the ammonia which is released from digesting protein.

We would do well not to eat a high content of protein with each meal as this could produce too much ammonia, making it hard for the liver to cope when producing urea. Hyperammonemia would be a severe case, damaging the brain and spinal cord, even fatally, for, as a chemical, ammonia is corrosive and toxic.

Again, the message is, be aware of your body’s needs and do not abuse it with too much of anything!! Temperance, which is self-control, and moderation, orderliness, are admirable qualities to possess!

Incidentally, ammonia is used in the production of pharmaceuticals, as well as for many household and beauty products and industrial uses, so beware!

Two more foods that are good for your liver

Wheat grass Juice is available in various forms – powder, tablets, capsules and liquid – as a health product to benefit those with digestive disorders. It contains digestive enzymes and is high in chlorophyll which helps to cleanse and purify the liver. These juices are said to help treat ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and heartburn, as well as indigestion.

And lastly, in this section in foods good for the liver

Liquorice. The root of the liquorice herb has been used for thousands of years as a digestive aid and to strengthen the liver and kidneys. The root is a natural antacid, so helps to relieve indigestion, heartburn, gastric and stomach ulcers, acid reflux and disorders of the gastroesophageal system.

It is said to do this by increasing the production of mucus from the stomach lining, so providing a soothing and protective layer between the mucous membrane and the excess acid in the stomach.

As a child born in the years of World War Two, with my friends after school I would go to the local sweet shop where we would buy what was called “Spanish” – they were long sticks of dense black shiny liquorice! Apparently, it was so named as the demand was so great that it was imported from Spain. So, we knew what was good for us!

The Need for Collagen as We Age

Collagen is a protein naturally within the body in abundance when we are young, providing both strength and structure to our skin, bones, joints and muscles. However, we are told that from twenty-five years old, each year beyond that our bodies lose 1%. The results of this gradual loss of collagen are a slowing down of recovery from wounds and injury and is most seen in the aging of the skin, and most felt in the stiffening of the joints.

Certain foods which are rich in collagen can certainly help to maintain the good levels needed to keep us functioning well. The most recommended sources of collagen are:

Fish – the head and eyes especially, although these are not appealing to the Western palate! But added to a bone broth, you have the benefit of them, together with the bones of the fish which also contain iodine, an essential mineral for a healthy thyroid.

Bone broth. Any kind of animal bones such as oxtail, pork, chicken, turkey, lamb or fish, brought to the boil and simmered for many hours will bring out the collagen in the bones and produce a very healthy and sustaining soup.

Chicken is a good source of collagen, especially from the marrow bones when used in a bone broth.

A simple recipe to make a bone broth is to take a gallon of water for 2 to 4 pounds of marrow bones, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, to draw out into the water the nutrients in the bones, and salt and pepper to taste. Added to the bones could be knuckles, feet, and connective tissue. Herbs and spices, of course, may be added for an individual flavour, and complementary vegetables. Garlic, onion, celery, carrot, parsley and thyme are common additions, which may be added from the start, but simmering celery and carrots for 12 to 24 hours, as is the time recommended, doesn’t seem very beneficial to me! Better, perhaps, if you are using these ingredients, to add the garlic, onion, and thyme earlier, and add the celery, carrot and parsley about half an hour before you turn off the heat and begin to cool the pot. The cooled liquid is then strained into a large container and the solids disposed of.

An excellent source of bone broth produced from cattle in the Outer Hebrides is a family company called Wild Isle

Not surprisingly, animal bones are rich in the same minerals that we need to build and strengthen our own bones, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and trace minerals. Connective tissue yields the natural compounds in cartilage, called glucosamine and chondroitin. And the marrow itself has vitamins A and K2, minerals like zinc, iron, boron, manganese and selenium, and fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6. The other animal parts also have collagen in them, so how can such a broth not do you good?!

Certain nutrients in our food help the body to produce collagen. Vitamin C, chlorophyll and sulphur, for example, are powerful aids in the production of collagen. And among the best natural sources of vitamin C, chlorophyll and sulphur are among those dark leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, swiss chard, broccoli, brussels sprouts and cabbage.

Citrus Fruit, oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit, because of their vitamin C content, are another source for the production of collagen in the body. Berries, also – raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries – and tropical fruit – mango, kiwi, and especially pineapple – all are high in vitamin C. Orange Juice should only be freshly squeezed, of course, not from a packet, bottle or tin because of the high sugar content and the degradation of processing.

These are other foods that have the necessary nutrients in them which help to produce collagen in the body:

Egg White – for the amino acids in it. Amino acids are called the building blocks for protein.

Garlic – and onion, as sulphur foods.

Cauliflower – for its high vitamin C content which is a powerful anti-oxidant. It is also said to regenerate other antioxidants like vitamin E.

Peppers, especially the red, again for its high vitamin C content.

Potatoes, the familiar kinds as well as Sweet Potato, contain vitamin C, as well as other beneficial nutrients. It is recommended that they are eaten with the skins on, cooked without frying, and the potato juice drunk!

Coriander is full of vitamin C and also linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid in the omega-3 group.

Green Tea has a large amount of a catechin called ECGC. Catechins are natural antioxidants which help prevent cell damage. Red Bush (Rooibos) Tea also is full of antioxidants and boasts many health benefits.

Nuts and Seeds are also recommended as beneficial foods for the production of collagen in the body. Their content of B Vitamins, vitamins A, C and E, and also copper, and zinc, are well known sources of aids to collagen production.

Nuts: Almonds are full of proteins and magnesium, so good for anxiety and stress; Walnuts are full of omega-3 fats, B vitamins, vitamin E and zinc; Coconut, counting it as a nut and not a fruit! contains fats which help inflammation. Being a good source of protein and some B vitamins, coconut also helps in the production of collagen in the body. Other nuts like pistachios, cashews and pecans, which are all favourites, are naturally good sources for your own collagen production.

Seeds: Sunflower seeds are full of zinc, copper, iron, vitamin B1, magnesium and protein; Chia seeds are full of omega-3, zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium, as well as many minerals and B vitamins; Pumpkin seeds, besides being alkaline which reduces inflammation, are full of zinc and protein, iron, and magnesium; Hemp seeds are rich in magnesium, iron, zinc and potassium, protein, chlorophyll and vitamin E; Flax seeds are full of omega-3 fats, B vitamins and vitamin E.

More unusual foods to add to this list are chestnuts, which can be bought out of season as well as in November and December, and ‘tahini’ or sesame seed butter or paste, used, with mashed chick peas, to make hummus. Both chestnuts and tahini are excellent sources of wonderful nutrients. Chestnuts are very rich in vitamin C and also vitamin B1. Tahini, made from the omega-6 rich sesame seed, is also a rich source of vitamin B1 and copper. Delicious on its own, it also contains protein, zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium, as well as other B vitamins.

Collagen can also be bought in powder form, also called peptides. One company to be recommended produces hydrolised collagen powder as a marine or a multi collagen product with all five types, I, II, III, V and X, is, based in Merseyside, UK. 

Let’s Talk About Sugar

Processed sugar comes from two separate plants, the sugar cane from the tropics and the sugar beet from cooler climates. It has not been the norm for manufacturers to reveal which source their table sugar is from. It is said that there is no difference, both yield sucrose from the refining process.

Sucrose is composed of two molecules linked together: one fructose, and one glucose. Common white table sugar is 100 per cent sucrose.

Sugar products come in various forms. Some appear ‘healthier’ than others! But as Charlotte Martin, in her comprehensive article discussing refined sugar versus unrefined, says, sugar is sugar! It is the fact that these sugars are added to a baking recipe, drink or food, that we need to be cautious.

Demerara sugar is made from the first pressing of sugar cane, so it is less refined than white sugar. The coarse grains have trace amounts of vitamins and minerals which are retained with the brown cane juice, or molasses. It is said to contain glycolic acid, which is good for the skin, helping it to keep moisturised and looking fresh. Demerara sugar is also used in natural skin products making an excellent and gentle skin exfoliate.

Golden Syrup is made commercially from the juices – sucrose – of either sugar cane or sugar beet by heating, which breaks the sucrose down into fructose and glucose. This process is called inversion. Water and citric acid are added to produce a-much-loved British sweet syrup used extensively in baking. It’s delicious on porridge! The online chef ‘the daring gourmet’ has a great recipe for making golden syrup in your own kitchen using sugar, water and lemon juice.

Black Treacle is another much-loved British sweetener. It is a mixture of sugar cane molasses and inverted sugar, as with the golden syrup process, resulting in a thick, black, glossy, and nutritious syrup. Iron, Manganese, Calcium, Copper, Magnesium and Potassium are micronutrients in black treacle.

Bearing in mind what I said before about added sugar! and that these minerals would be miniscule, so you have to balance the amount of goodness against the number of calories! nevertheless, it’s worthwhile looking at the particular benefit each of these minerals has:

Iron: contributes to five important functions in the human body: the immune system, your body’s ability to process information, in cell division, in red blood cell formation, and in the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Manganese: contributes to the protection of the cells from damage. It is important also for healthy bone connective tissue and for creating energy.

Calcium: is essential for bones and teeth and in cell division as they branch into their designed functions in energy giving, in digestion and for muscles.

Copper: protects the cells from free radical damage. It also contributes to energy creation, as well as both the immune system and the nervous system.

Magnesium: contributes to reducing tiredness and fatigue. It also assists in healthy cell division, for repair and growth of muscles, bones, teeth, and for the maintenance of the nervous system and for mental health.

Potassium: contributes to keeping your blood pressure normal, your nervous system functioning well and your muscles working properly.

And What Exactly Is Cell Division?!: Have you heard of that before?! I hadn’t until I researched the properties of these minerals! Iron, Calcium and Magnesium are particularly said to help with cell division.

There are two types of Cell division. One is to do with reproduction; the other type is what we are more concerned with here, and it is essential to our growth, maintenance, and repair of damaged or dead tissue, especially the skin.

Without getting too technical, the so–called ‘parent’ cell divides into two cells called ‘daughter’ cells which are identical to the parent cell. This function is to sustain whatever part of the body those cells make up. Skin cells, for instance, divide constantly, moving upwards through the layers until they replace the dead cells on the surface. Apparently, we lose tens of thousands of dead skin cells every minute! Are we not wonderfully made?!

So now, back to another familiar product from the sugar cane or sugar beet:

Molasses is produced by repeated boiling – three times, in fact – of the thick syrup remaining from the refining process. This concentrates nutrients, making blackstrap molasses also a rich source of calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. Because of the high mineral content, health-conscious eaters use blackstrap molasses as a supplement in their diets.

So, after reading that Charlotte Martin says, “sugar is sugar”, and that the nutritional benefits are very small, we must, in taking these products, however wholesomely they are produced, remember they are added sugar, and that balance is necessary between enjoyment and the extra calories they give!!

Soda drinks, artificial sweeteners, corn syrup, canned or bottled orange juice, however, should definitely OUT of everyone’s diet by now!!

What about Natural Sugars?

Coconut sugar is a tasty natural sweetener, direct from the sap of the coconut palm tree, rather than the beet or cane sugars. Iron, zinc, calcium, and potassium are the micro-nutrients found in coconut sugar, but as with molasses, obviously, these are not sufficient to provide for a full daily diet. If these nutrients are required to restore a deficiency in the body, there are many other natural foods other than sugars, as we are discussing!

It’s just a sweetener, but from a natural source! The small amount of insulin in coconut sugar, however, could be more beneficial to a diabetic as it is linked to a lower risk of blood sugar spikes. A company to be recommended is the Coconut Company

What About Fruit as a Source of Sugar?

There is not a lot said about the sugars in fruit. Are they good or bad for us? The nutritionists say that fruit can be eaten even by diabetics because the sugars are less than those in sweetened food. And doctors who study brain health say that the natural sucrose and fructose in whole fruits are of great benefit in brain function.

Fruit contains in about equal parts, fructose, which the liver can easily break down, and glucose which does raise the blood sugar level of the body, requiring its insulin to metabolise it.

Eating whole fruit rather than as a juice is preferable too, as you benefit from the fibre and the natural water in the fruit.

These are a few low-sugar fruits: strawberries, peaches, blackberries, lemons and limes, honeydew melon, oranges, grapefruit, and particularly, avocados, which are almost sugar-free. So, if you are seeking to reduce your intake of sugar, choose these fruits and also benefit from the additional fibre, minerals and vitamins in them.

Let’s Talk About Grapes

I heard some years ago that grape juice is the nearest juice to mother’s milk, but in researching it for this book, found it difficult to have this confirmed. At last, I read this: “the most amazing thing is that in terms of chemical composition, fresh grapes are very close to the composition of mother’s milk. And this quality only confirms the usefulness of the royal berry”. So that was stated in the online magazine ‘How to Get Rid of Problems’. They couldn’t be more right!

And What About Dried Black Grapes – Raisins?

Raisins regulate blood pressure, being rich in potassium. They also aid digestion, being high in fibre. When soaked in water – say overnight, ready to eat the next morning – they act as a natural laxative. They also help with weight loss by way of being full of natural sugars, and so lower the cravings for those dreadful added sugars! And, being rich in vitamins B and C, they boost the immunity of the body, keeping it strong and healthy.

I can recommend soaking a small handful of raisins overnight with a few almonds and a couple of prunes to make a very pleasant start to the day.

These, and more, are available from By Whole Foods Online, whose website is

Deficiencies Are Just as Important

Lack of sleep will also affect the pH value of the blood. A good night’s sleep is as beneficial, it would seem, as a good diet, according to many writers on maintaining a healthy body. Getting sick too, obviously affects the balance of the blood, as the body does its best to correct the imbalance. In normal circumstances, it is best to take rest and drink plenty of water from a pure supply or filtered, and when you’re recovered take stock of what you can do to improve your daily diet and lifestyle!

Taking the advice of those practitioners like Dr Millward who have realised that most common ailments and dis-eases come about through a deficiency of certain minerals, would help you to build up your confidence in turning away from what is termed “traditional medicine”.

Deficiencies, which the Vega Test would diagnose, could be from a lack of nutrition in the diet. Most probably, though, there is a lack of ability of the body to absorb the nutrients leaving it deprived, and thereby mineral-deficient. This could be because of an inherited inability due to a specific illness in a parent or grandparent. An appropriate homeopathic medicine could correct that deficiency and restore good health.

As more and more of the population go down with serious ailments and dis-eases from weak and weakened immune systems, it is more and more necessary to get the message across that good nutrition and natural products are important for both preventing and curing our ills. This message is diametrically opposed to that which the Medical Profession advocates and imposes upon those who seek their advice.

An excellent, thoroughly researched book into the decline of the world’s health to be recommended is, “What Really Makes You Ill: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong” by two professionals Dawn Lester and David Parker, and available on Amazon.

There is another way. There is a way to strengthen the immune system and PREVENT sicknesses before they come. The more our bodies are filled with antibiotics and prescription drugs the less likely we are able to fight infection, stress, toxins and dis-ease.

There is another way. There is a way to CURE serious ailments before they lead to permanent damage and death.

Furthermore, very often, the more we rely on prescription drugs, and regular vaccinations the more likely we are to die prematurely – not from the illness we suffered from, but from the prescription drugs or treatment!! As I mentioned earlier, medical errors are in their millions. The greatest sickness of all is “iatrogenic”.

The definition of “Iatrogenesis”, once again, is: “the causation of a disease, a harmful complication, or other ill effect by any medical activity, including diagnosis, intervention, error, or negligence.”

It is time to change mindsets!

It is time to see what has actually happened to the health of nations because of the constant, daily reliance on prescription drugs, and face the Facts. Furthermore, we need to see how our food production has changed over the past decades…


Between the 1960s and 70s, a complete change was made to wheat in the United States.

An 18-inch-tall plant was created by genetic research in America which contains a new protein called gliadin. This protein is an opiate! Its effect is to stimulate appetite as it binds into the opiate receptors in the brain. The result is that consumers take in daily an additional 440 calories, more than they need, every day of the year.

You can ask yourself, “Is this deliberate; to increase the sales and revenue of the food processing industry?”

Modern wheat, Dr William Davis maintains, is a perfect chronic poison. It is the perfect disrupter of bowel health. Those who have rejected it from their daily diet have seen the following effects:

Weight loss of between 30 and 150 pounds

Diabetics find themselves no longer diabetic

Arthritic sufferers get dramatic relief

People suffering from swelling of legs, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, and depression – all greatly improved.

An Enemy Arises

Those farmers in the US who sought to protect the countryside, and at the same time produce and supply good quality fresh food naturally, in recent times found themselves in a constant battle with a very powerful organisation. In the eyes of those who believe in growing food naturally, this company was deemed to be seeking to abuse natural resources and turn them into vast profits for themselves. At the same time it manipulated and enslaved food producers into lifelong contracts and strangling conditions.

In 2009, reports in the US Press told the findings of an Associated Press investigation into this company’s business practices. Confidential contracts’ details revealed how the then world’s biggest seed developer squeezed competitors, controlled smaller seed companies and protected its dominance over the multibillion-dollar market for genetically altered crops.

This Company was Monsanto. Monsanto Company was a publicly traded American multinational chemical and agricultural biotechnology Corporation. Interestingly, the company couldn’t expand its GMO strategy in Europe because of the EU’s long moratorium on growing genetically modified crops. That didn’t stop their continuing activity, though, in importing GMO crops into the EU. However, since 2018 it has been merged with the German company Bayer, the international chemical and pharmaceutical company.

Unsurprisingly, the merger with Bayer has not seen a cessation of the former seed supply domination. Canada, the US, most of Latin America, five countries in Europe, many countries in Asia, including India, three African countries including South Africa, and Australia all grow genetically modified (GMO) crops. It may be encouraging to note, though, that in 2015 there was a slight decrease in demand worldwide for Monsanto/Bayer genetically modified seeds. One hopes that this was not due to the decline in the numbers of farmers…

Enslaved By the Process of Power

The lives and livelihood of many farmers in America did suffer the powerful hold of Monsanto. The Corporation was able to do this by patenting the process by which it genetically modified the seeds from the grains – because it is not possible to patent a food – or anything, any living, natural thing, actually! Anything patented must be man-made, in other words!

In order to continue their livelihoods and work their land which their families had farmed for generations, the farmers were forced to buy new seed from Monsanto year on year. The harvesting of good seed is part of a grain farmer’s annual programme to keep his crops healthy, but defiance of this American Commercial Giant led to bankruptcy and ruin. Monsanto imposed heavy lawsuits to punish those farmers who tried to break from the strangle-hold of their contracts, and tried to save their own seed.

Now it is Bayer which sells the seeds to the grain farmers who are still unable to save the seeds produced from the year’s harvest.

Here in the UK, a few years ago there was a fresh debate concerning the need for genetically modified foods because of losses from an exceptionally bad winter. This “good excuse” MUST still be resisted, as, although it is claimed that no GMO foods are being grown commercially in the UK, it is also said that scientists are currently carrying out “controlled trials”.

An Unhealthy Side Effect of War

In addition, I learned from a natural health adviser, how wheat fields all over Europe were polluted from chemicals released during World War II. A mutant plant developed which also contained pollutants which erode the human immune system.

Wheat is the world’s most popular grain. A quick scan over the bread and cake products in any food store – muffins and crumpets, pastries, sponges, buns, and bread rolls – reveals they are all made with wheat flour.

The “Modern wheat” from America, as Dr William Davis discovered, affects the bowel. The wheatgerm agglutinin is indigestible and a direct intestinal toxin. It can enter the bloodstream and thence get into other organs and then affect the knees, hips, skin, thyroid gland, eyes, and sinuses, resulting in inflammation. Arthritis, rashes, asthma and sinus congestion are all due to inflamed organs.

Gliadin, as I mentioned, this opiate protein created by genetic engineering, can also enter the bloodstream, triggering immune phenomena in which the structure of human proteins is mimicked. The results of this mimicry are auto-immune responses such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, polymyositis (an inflammatory muscle disease), and other now–common ailments.

It must be noted that this is speaking about MODERN American wheat and the information was gleaned from a Report from the American broadcaster CBS News. It is worth a phone call to one’s local baker to enquire the source of the wheat flour used in their bread and pastry making… If they can’t give you a straight answer, or assure you that they use Canadian wheat flour, switch to another grain – spelt, for example.

Canadian wheat flour is reputed to be better than from the US. But better still make your own bread from organic spelt and rye flours! It’s delicious!

Sharpham Park in Somerset, UK, is known as the home of British spelt. They have produced their own organic spelt grain – no pesticides and fertilisers – since 2007. They supply a wonderful range of good produce from their website


We should never be without these natural foods:

Sodium Bicarbonate




These easily available foodstuffs are recommended as vital ingredients necessary to strengthen the immune system and for the preservation of general health in any man, woman or child. The first three, sodium bicarbonate, honey and cinnamon are sold in packets or jars; magnesium, unless bought as a supplement, is accessed through a number of specific foods.

A lack of Sodium Bicarbonate in the blood stream will lead to a slow acidification of the brain – commonly called today ‘Alzheimer’s’. This life-destroying, now costly, ‘disease’ could be rectified or prevented by the regular taking of a dose of a half to a teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of tepid to hot, freshly boiled, water!

A small quantity of Sodium Bicarbonate in a glass of hot water as one feels necessary helps to keep the blood stream alkaline. It is said that cancers thrive in an acidic condition, so keeping yourself alkaline in this way is greatly beneficial to long-term health.

As a cleanser while you sleep, add the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon to your glass of hot water and bicarb. and drink it before going to bed. It fizzes up like Alka-Seltzer but much better for you, as it’s without the aspirin! It’s quite delicious, actually!

Tubs of bicarbonate of soda are readily available in grocery and chemist shops. Note though, that baking powder is not the same and therefore not as suitable. It can contain additives, even aluminium. For those in the UK who use it often, you can buy 1.05kg screwed-topped jars online from Country Range Baking Collection Bicarbonate of Soda listed in the Grocery Section and available from Amazon for £7.99, as of summer 2021, that is.

As An Ear Cleanser

A doctor in Acton, West London, where I once lived, prescribed me a recipe to cleanse out the wax in my ears. She recommended a tablespoonful of bicarbonate of soda in a pint of tepid water rather than any oil dropped into the ear. You dunk a wad of cotton wool in the liquid and squeeze into the ear until all the liquid is used up. It soon dissolves the wax and restores the temporary hearing loss without pain or damage. Decades on, I still find this the best way to keep my ears unblocked! No doctor’s surgery appointments necessary; just common-sense home remedies!

Honey – bee honey – for honey can be made from dates and other fruit – is composed of fructose, glucose and water, in varying proportions. It can also contain some enzymes and oils. The colour of honey depends on the flowers’ nectar the honeybees have foraged, and ranges from being light coloured to amber and through to quite dark, almost black.

Bee honey from the pollen and nectar of the buckwheat flower, particularly, is darker when the content of buckwheat is higher.

Honey has been used for generations for both food and medicine. Pads impregnated with honey, for example, have been developed recently specially to assist healing for burns. Honey contains antioxidants which are widely accepted as being able to reduce heart attacks, strokes, perhaps some forms of cancer, and blood pressure. It is also said to help eye health. A hot drink of lemon and honey is a well-known remedy for soothing a sore throat!

Cinnamon is a spice extracted from the inner bark of trees of the genus Cinnamomum. It is suitable for both sweet and savoury use in food preparation. It can be bought in tablet form, although ground cinnamon is readily available from health stores or online. Note: Cinnamon bought in spice bottles may be Cassia and not Cinnamon, which has higher anti-bacterial properties than Cassia.

Cinnamon has an anti-clotting effect on the blood. It is anti-bacterial, a natural anti-infection remedy. It can be used to regulate blood sugar, benefiting particularly Type 2 diabetes and it will also maintain energy levels and moods. Cinnamon is a natural food preservative and known to inhibit bacterial growth. It has been found to fight E Coli bacterial in unpasteurised juices. It is therefore good for preventing food spoilage.

Together with turmeric, saffron and sage, Cinnamon has been shown to improve brain health. It can also reduce the chronic inflammation linked with neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, brain tumour and meningitis. Cinnamon is high in nutrients. It is a great source of manganese, fibre, iron and calcium.

Furthermore, studies have been done in Maryland, USA, which have shown that Cinnamon reduces increased activity in cancer cells, particularly in leukaemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

The Health Benefits of Cinnamon and Honey:

Cinnamon on its own has amazing qualities for healing. And so also has Honey. Put the two together as a spread, or a paste or a tea and you have a remedy, it is said, for just about anything!! Cinnamon can be purchased from

Put it to the test – unlike antibiotics which destroy your immune system, and prescription drugs which pollute your body or even cause addiction, or death! – a mixture of cinnamon and honey will remove toxins and impurities from your body, protect it from harmful attacks and harmful bacteria, and strengthen your immune system.

Lower LDL cholesterol levels (the “bad” type) with 2 tablespoons of honey and 3 teaspoons of cinnamon powder in 16 ounces of water, 3 times a day.

Arthritis Pain Relief, taken daily, morning and night, one cup of hot water, 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Copenhagen University found from their studies that many patients given this mixture before breakfast were relieved of their pain after trying it for a week.

Arthritis Cure – applied as a paste to the arthritic joint. 1 part honey and 2 parts lukewarm water and 1 small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Massage into itching part; the pain can recede within 15 minutes.

Toothache –applied as a paste up to 3 times a day. 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 5 teaspoons of honey.

Cure for Colds – for coughs, colds and clearing of sinuses, taken daily for 3 days. 1 tablespoon of luke-warm honey with small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. This remedy would actually be for building up the immune system as the body discharges the waste and toxins through the mucous.

Stomach Upset. A cure for stomach gas and pain. Taken in equal parts of honey and cinnamon powder.

Strengthening the Immune System and protect from harmful attacks. Taken daily as a drink. Honey contains vitamins and iron which strengthens the white blood corpuscles.

Longevity achieved by making a tea of 4 spoons of honey and 1 spoon of cinnamon powder with 3 cups of water boiled to make the tea. Drink part of the cup 3 times daily to keep skin fresh and slow down old age.

Weight Loss. Some advise taking the drink both last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Regularly drunk on an empty stomach, a mixture of honey and cinnamon in one cup of boiled water is said to reduce the weight of even the most obese person.

Magnesium is found in dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach and swiss chard. Also in vegetables such as broccoli, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, potatoes, mushrooms, and carrots.

Grains such as brown rice, buckwheat groats, oats, bulgur wheat, wild rice, and even white rice, contain magnesium.

Seeds such as pumpkin seeds, are considered the very best source, squash seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and also water melon seeds. These are delicious roasted with olive oil on a baking sheet in a hot oven!

Nuts Brazil nuts are the highest content of magnesium, but walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, almonds and cashews are also a good source.

Beans and legumes such as black beans, kidney beans, lima and pinto beans are a rich source of magnesium. Well-known legumes include beans, soybeans, peas, chickpeas, peanuts, lentils, mesquite, carob, tamarind, alfalfa, and clover. Legumes are those plants that produce a botanically unique type of fruit – a simple dry fruit that develops from a simple pod.

Fish containing good levels of magnesium includes wild Atlantic salmon. (Farmed salmon would also contain the additives of the industry, so is not recommended as a genuine source of magnesium.) Haddock, shrimp, halibut, and pollock are also recommended as good sources.

Fruit such as bananas, lemons, rhubarb, cherries, pineapple, kiwi fruit, melons, raspberries, strawberries, apricots, raisins and even prunes, are listed and recommended as good sources of magnesium.

Essential Minerals

The afore-mentioned Dr John Millward recommended a selective number of Minerals, the deficiency of which is responsible for a vast majority of common chronic ailments many people suffer. These are:

Selenium – cancer patients appear to be deficient in selenium.

Magnesium – osteoporosis, high blood pressure and muscle weakness can be down to a lack of magnesium. Mental disorders: apathy, numbness and a lack of emotion is said to be from magnesium deficiency also.

Lithium – the homeopathy version, such as was prescribed by Dr John, is used to help mental disorders, mood swings for example.

Zinc – supports healthy skin and normal blood clotting. It is important for cognitive function. A deficiency of zinc can be early balding in men, frequent and persistent colds, brain fog and diarrhoea.

Chromium – diabetes can arise from a deficiency in chromium, also muscle weakness, bone loss and poor memory.

Iodine – was mentioned earlier when talking about collagen in fish. Deficiencies in iodine leads to thyroid gland problems. The thyroid gland, situated at the front of the neck below the ‘adam’s apple’, sends out hormones into the body to influence its metabolism, growth, development, and body temperature. A good supply of iodine will assist the thyroid’s function.

All these with the addition of Essential Fatty Acids to complete this list of Essential Minerals. EFAs – Essential Fatty Acids – are Omega-3, 6 and 9. They are needed for brain development and function, cell function, vision and a healthy heart. A body deficient in the omegas 3, 6 and 9 will be dry and blocked up. Flaky skin, brittle nails, dry hair, and eczema will be obvious, as well as hard ear wax. Excessive thirst, digestive and visual problems will also show as a dry, omega-oil lacking condition.

Where Are These Minerals Found?

Selenium is found in fish and shellfish, red meat, chicken and liver, grains, eggs, garlic, Brewer’s yeast and wheat germ. Brazil nuts and walnuts also contain a high content of selenium.

Magnesium sourced foods are as I said earlier, dark green leafy vegetables, but also, the top foods most rich in magnesium are said to be halibut, mackerel, cooked spinach, bran, almonds. Five foods said to have the highest content per milligram are cocoa, bran, almonds, cashews and pumpkin seeds.

Lithium is naturally found in the earth’s crust, and in very low levels within the body. Those with mood swings, increased agitation, or suicidal, or even prone to committing violent crimes, were found to be lithium-deficient. As pharmaceutical products in the form of lithium salts, it is has been used to treat psychiatric disorders, manic depression, for example, for many years. However, lithium is also used in homeopathic treatment, which would never be harmful, or addictive, or have side effects, as prescribed drugs.

In the food supply, however, which is always the better way, lithium is found in nuts – pistachios are mentioned particularly – in many cereal grains, and in fish, vegetables, mushrooms, dairy products, and meats.

Other recommended vegetables are, potatoes, tomatoes, and cabbage. Spices and condiments such as nutmeg, coriander seeds, and cumin, are a source of lithium, albeit in small quantities, and in unusual sources like mustard and kelp. And black tea, green tea, red (redbush/rooibos) tea, and some mineral waters contain lithium. It is commonly found in drinking water, too, though this would depend upon the locality you live in.

Zinc is incredibly important to immune function and wound healing. Zinc is found in an incredibly wide range of foods from oysters to chickpeas. It is said to be much associated with protein foods, insomuch that we may assume that foods high in zinc are protein rich. Some more every day sources for the meat-eater would be beef, lamb, pork, crabmeat, turkey, chicken, and salmon.

For the vegetarian, high content zinc foods are the dairy products, milk and cheese. Yeast, peanuts, beans, and wholegrain cereals, brown rice, potato and yogurt are all good sources of zinc. Half a cup from a can of baked beans (haricot beans) would also provide some zinc.

For the vegan, there is a large range of fruits containing zinc. They are kiwi fruit, raspberries, strawberries, pomegranates, bananas, blackberries, cantaloupe – or sweet melon – avocados, tangerines, apricots, prunes, dried figs, dates, raisins, and plantain – which are cooking bananas. Other foods to be recommended are, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, lentils, quinoa, tofu, and cashew nuts. All these delicious things are good for everyone, of course, whatever your choice of diet!

Chromium is also found in an enormous range of foods. Brewers Yeast is actually the very best source, if it does not cause bloating of the stomach, which it can in some cases. Broccoli, green beans, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, potatoes with their skins, onions, grapes, prunes, chicken – the breast or the legs – beef, eggs, fish, cheese, butter, brown rice, nuts, and garlic, are among the food sources to contain chromium.

Iodine is found in eggs, prunes, milk, (raw, preferably, if possible) shrimps, yoghurt (without sugar!), potatoes, dark chocolate (85% cocoa content is the best, but from 70% is still good) and seaweed, which is becoming more known and available. Harvesting one’s own kelp etc is very rewarding! Kelp is particularly common on the Dorset coast, as I proved one day on a visit to Mudeford quay.

After gathering a good supply with the help of a friend a few years ago, I went straight to the internet to search what to do with it. A beautifully illustrated website came up which enabled me to clearly identify my catch as kelp and with clear instructions to wash it three times, dry thoroughly in a tea cloth and fry it until crisp. After a few tests, I got it right – truly delicious! There is, of course, help available on the internet on how to treat and cook seaweed, but sadly, this particular website seems to have vanished…

And lastly, in this section …

Essential Fatty Acids. Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9, are found in foods such as a wide range of nuts, such as almonds, peanuts, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts and pecans, and also in cold water fish, such as salmon (wild), herring, tuna, cod, mackerel and shrimp.

Natural, Local, and In Season

With the constant rise of Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, spreading themselves over vast areas of our towns, cities and countryside, many are of the opinion that this has had a detrimental effect on the health of the nations.

They exist for profit and a quick turn-over. Their credentials as producers and suppliers of nutrition in the form of food have been questionable. Competition amongst them is fierce; corners have been cut in the race to the top. The smaller producers under contract to them have suffered, having their profit margins reduced to a bare minimum, thereby forcing many of them out of business.

The daily habit by which a previous generation lived, of eating fresh, seasonal fruit and vegetables – often grown in their own allotments, or at least locally – went in the main, to the wall. Mass produced foods flooded the market; tons of pre-packed food products, aesthetically manipulated to charm the eyes of the busy housewife–cum–businesswoman, filled the shelves. The tills rang out as bells of the cathedrals of mammon! Then, fortunately for health’s sake, a counter-movement to this Journey To Disaster arose…

The organic food movement has grown up rather in the shadows of the Supermarkets in the past few decades, the debate being constantly fought over the genuine worth of the extra cost involved to the consumer. With the establishment of Farmers’ Markets, where local Nurseries can sell their produce in a controlled and pleasant environment, however, organic food, locally grown and of a known source has become a definite part of many communities nationwide.

Their popularity has given a boost to local food production and contributed to a renewal of the “village” community spirit of former years. Personal attention to the shopper, the provision of a good choice of well presented seasonal fruit and vegetables, an atmosphere of social congeniality, and all under cover, against the weather, gave the greedy Supermarket chains something to think about.

To their credit, some chain stores run their own farms, support good farming practice both locally and abroad, and display fresh British food wherever possible. Food suppliers have also turned recently to selling perfectly good fruit and vegetables but which are imperfectly formed. This sensible action has saved tons of good food going to waste, as the re-trained shopper comes to accept these ‘wonky’ eatables!

At the present time, it looks a better picture than a few years ago when fresh local food, whatever its shape, was hard to come by…

The Ten Healthy Foods 17 Nutritionists Agree On!

A survey was conducted asking nutritionists to list their top ten healthy foods. Seventeen of them all came up with these varieties:


Dark, Leafy Greens

Avocados (dark-skinned, Hass)




Chia Seeds

Sprouts (Alfalfa, broccoli, mung, pea, clover, fenugreek, radish)


Wild Salmon

Why Are These Foods Considered Good for Our Health?

Blueberries. They are a source of Vitamin K, Vitamin C, fibre, manganese, and other antioxidants. Blueberries are considered to be a “super food” because of their high content of antioxidants, which are particularly immune boosting. Supporting general good health, they also have good carbohydrates, protein and important micronutrients.

Dark, Leafy Greens. Spinach, kale, broccoli, chard, brussels sprouts, water cress. The high content of chlorophyll in dark leafy greens helps to keep the blood alkaline. They are also full of fibre which maintains a healthy colon. The vitamin content is A, B (folate), C and K, and the mineral content, iron and calcium. They are full of phytonutrients.

Avocados (dark-skinned, Hass). This extraordinary fruit – which to me looks as if a dessert mousse has been whipped up inside the shell – has ‘good fat’, that means it boosts the levels of good HDL cholesterol and lowers the bad which clogs up the arteries.

Avocados provide good dietary fibre, so helping the digestive system and preventing constipation … and, they are very low in sugar, so are excellent for diabetics. The dark-skinned Hass avocado is packed full of nutrients: sodium, magnesium, vitamins A, C, E, and K, folate, which is vitamin B9, vitamin B6, niacin, which is vitamin B3, pantothenic acid, which is vitamin B5 – a help in preventing rheumatoid arthritis – riboflavin, which is vitamin B2 – a help to eye health and preventing anaemia, as well as promoting the growth of reproductive organs.

Then there’s choline, a nutrient to benefit the heart, the liver and the nervous system, which comprises the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves. And as if that weren’t enough, the Hass avocado also contains two nutrients called lutein and zeaxanthin, which are excellent for maintaining good vision. Lutein, particularly, has been called ‘the eye vitamin’.

Apparently, eight preliminary clinical studies have shown that adding an avocado to your diet can help your heart to function well. Other studies are showing the fruit as a benefit to weight control and the process of aging. Avocados, after all, have long been promoted as being good for the skin and hair. Its vitamin content promotes the collagen growth to keep the skin clear, and its copper content helps to restrain the greying of hair!

Avocado oil, cold-pressed from the kernel is rich in antioxidants and is highly recommended for good skin and healthy hair.

Beans, all nutritionists agree, are a powerhouse of nutrition. An excellent source of a plant-based protein, beans are high in fibre, rich in iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Whatever kind of bean you eat, they are all good for helping to lower cholesterol levels, manage blood sugar and your weight.

Garlic has highly powerful medicinal properties. It is very nutritional without high calories. It is a natural anti-biotic and antioxidant, and is anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory. Garlic is known to be helpful against cancer, heart disease, osteo-arthritis, and skin infections.

Lemons, contrary to what you might think, as lemon juice is citric acid with a high pH value, is actually alkaline in the stomach. It is therefore an anti-cancer agent, helping to keep the body in a non-acidic state. The juice from lemons is full of vitamin C, is a perfect detoxifier and a booster to the immune system. Freshly squeezed lemon juice is what we are talking about, of course, is also rich in potassium and calcium and folate – vitamin B12.

Chia Seeds. These tiny black seeds are said to expand in the body, so, being full of fibre, are a help in curtailing over-eating, resulting in desirable weight loss and in detoxifying. Omega-3 and Omega-6 is found in chia seeds. They are rich in antioxidants, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous, which help bone health.

Sprouts are harvested as very young plants, which range from Alfalfa, broccoli, mung, pea, clover, fenugreek, to radish. Sprouts are a rich source of vitamin K, calcium, manganese, potassium, folate – B12 – and beta-carotene. They will have more protein and less fat than the full-grown plant.

Quinoa is harvested from a shrub, the seeds of which are more like millet, and are eaten as a cereal grain. Quinoa has probably gained in popularity in recent years as it is gluten-free. It is rich in protein, dietary fibre, iron, magnesium and B vitamins. It is classified nutritionally as a whole grain and is said to have more dietary minerals than many starchy grains. Good for muscle growth, it contains all nine essential amino acids. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Wild Salmon caught in the Alaskan region of the Atlantic is a delicious and nutritious food. It has slightly less protein and a lot less fat than farmed salmon, and more calcium and iron. It is high in antioxidants and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, but low in saturated fats.

Salmon gives us magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, selenium and zinc. Vitamin E, Vitamins B6 and B12, and other B vitamins, such as mentioned earlier – niacin – vitamin B3 – pantothenic acid – B5 – riboflavin – B2 – and thiamine, a new one to the list, which is B1, are also what makes wild salmon one of the ten healthy foods that 17 nutritionists all agree on!

Salmon, together with shrimp, Pollock, catfish, and canned light tuna, is low in its natural mercury content. The larger the fish, the greater the mercury content within it. This is due to the food chain. Therefore, shark, swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel have a higher mercury level in them.

Concentrating on the Immune System

Five Amazing Positives for the Immune System

Elderberry. The elder berry is full of vitamins and nutrients. Particularly, it has a high Vitamin C content. Also, being full of antioxidants, it will help the body to keep free from chronic disease, as antioxidants remove any dangerous molecules that are building up.

Mullein. Mullein is a classed as a weed found in northern regions. Its flowers, leaves and root have been used since ancient times in herbal preparations. The flowers are used either fresh or dried, or pressed into an oil, for easing congestion of the lungs, and soothing the respiratory tract, and is especially recommended on Dr Axe’s website as a remedy for earache in children. A soothing tea can also be made from infusing the leaves in boiling water.

Ginseng. The root of Ginseng, particularly Panex ginseng, the plant grown in China, Korea and Japan, has been known to have been used for promoting immune function, central nervous system function, relieving stress and for its antioxidant qualities for 2000 years.

Astragalus. Another Asian medicinal plant used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Astragalus has antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, giving it many uses including for heart and liver diseases, and allergies.

It would also help the body to rid itself of the toxic wastes resulting in the common cold. The secure website of promotes the health benefits of Astragalus.

Eucalyptus. This beautiful Australian tree has long been held as a remedy for sinus problems, congestion and as an expectorant. The oil produced is an antiseptic and an antioxidant which helps to reduce inflammation. Eucalyptus is therefore useful in dental health as a mouth wash and in fighting teeth decay and periodontitis – gum disease.

These five immune-boosters, as everything we learn as being beneficial, are to be considered by the individual – you – ! and your individual needs. If your general health is pretty good on the whole, you may feel one of these might be added to your diet, just to see if it gives you some improvement or not.

However, if any benefit you hear about in this book strikes a chord with you regarding a real distress or ailment you have, then you must seek and search for proper guidance from someone experienced in natural health.

Dosage is important, timing is important; how much and how many times a day, and for how long should you take it. And, above all, is this herb, plant or infusion right for your particular need. It is good to say again that it is your body, and very often you can listen to what it is telling you of what it needs.

Voices of Concern About Vaccinations

One sure promotion from the medical industry to damage your immune system is vaccination. Its efficacy has never been proved. Former British doctor, Andrew Wakefield, who conducted thorough tests, understood the dangers and destruction to the immune system caused by multiple vaccines given to young children. His research, incidentally, was regarded by both Japan and Sweden as competent, persuading them to cancel the vaccination programme to their young children. To their shame, the UK Medical Fraternity struck him off the register, and, backed up by a malicious media, continue to disparage his findings, even though his were far superior and in-depth than theirs!

Joanna Karpasea–Jones also sought to bring awareness to the dangers of vaccination to children. As a concerned young mother, she researched and investigated, and then authored “Vaccination: Everything You Should Know About Your Child’s Jabs and More”. This book is still available on Amazon and eBay. She also founded Vaccine Awareness Network UK (VAN UK). Her work also should not be dismissed. Her research and experience can be accessed via her website It is packed with illuminating reports!

These two brave exponents of truth have someone in common! American Del Bigtree. He is the producer of the film VAXX with Andrew Wakefield, himself now a resident of the US, and he also interviewed Joanna!

Incidentally, it has never been widely reported that Americans, Del Bigtree, film producer, broadcaster and founder of ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) and Robert F Kennedy Jnr, a vaccine injury lawyer and Chairman of Children’s Health Defense, representing him in 2018  got the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to admit that it had failed to provide a single vaccine safety report to Congress for thirty years. Furthermore, in May 2020, they also successfully won a lawsuit against the US Government in which the verdict was given that there were no relevant government documents to prove that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality over the past 32 years!! None!! (Reporting of this latter win seems to have been taken down.) 

This is a massive win for the American people, who are subjected to a raft of vaccines from birth! This legal victory has immense legal and practical implications for the whole world. Now the people should know that there has been no quality control over vaccines that have been manufactured by the big pharmaceutical companies for at least 32 years! No Quality Control! If this is the case in America, surely it is the same in the UK and in many other countries throughout the world…

Another voice dedicated to vaccine research and damage is Christina England, who, as a research journalist, worked together with researcher and biochemist Lucija Tomljenovic on a book “Vaccination Policy and the U.K. Government: The Untold Truth”.

Their research into the adverse reactions from vaccination, particularly in children, is deep and credible. The false diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) as a direct result of government cover up of vaccine harm to children is fully dealt with in their exposing of the truth.

At this time of deep controversy over experimental injections – 2020 – 2022 – the pages of this excellent book by England and Tomljenovic should be brought out into the open and re-read over again. 

Five Natural Aids to Maintain Good Health


Kombucha is the name of the tea made from the culture called SCOBY – Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast. Easily made from a fermentation process, using any colour tea and sugar, drinking kombucha is a great aid for general health, and is particularly good for the kidneys, especially for a kidney infection. The culture is mushroom-like but is not classed as a fungus. It is unique, forming a new ‘baby’ on top of itself, which is peeled off and used to make a fresh supply of the tea. The ‘old’ culture will be rubbery with a slight smell of vinegar, flat, and round. It is usually discarded after use. I was introduced to it many years ago by a friend and made it myself for a long time. Available from health stores, and online platforms Amazon and e-Bay.


Kefir grains are in two kinds. One type uses milk – cow, sheep, goat – the other uses sugar water. They both offer a rich boost to the immune system, completely natural and full of good natural and organic bacteria. Available from the Live Kefir Company.

Kefir grains fed with milk are a culture of specific combination of microorganisms, including bacteria and yeasts in abundance. A pourable to creamy drink is produced after fermentation of 24 – 48 hours.

Water kefir grains are a grain-like culture of bacteria and yeast, also. A fermented carbonated beverage is produced from a sugar and water mixture after 24 – 48 hours.

Kefir can also be made from coconut milk or rice milk. Whatever the base, the drink produced is excellent for cleansing and maintaining good flora in the gut. There is a saying: “A healthy gut is a healthy body”.

Swedish Bitters

Selected herbs make up Sweden Bitters which have been used since the 15th century! But a Swedish doctor in the 18th century promoted the remedy to make them more available. They help the digestive system, and also help with inflammation and bloating. Your sugar levels and appetite will be improved, and your immune systems will be boosted by taking a teaspoon to a tablespoon once or twice a day, according to the need or desperation! [available from London’s oldest Herbalist, G Baldwin & Co, on their UK website:]

Swedish Bitters is a tonic which soothes the digestive tract. As a tonic it promotes the health of the liver, encouraging bile which breaks down fat and clears out bad cholesterol. It therefore ensures greater nutrient absorption of the body.

As a prepared dark-coloured liquid, the bitter-tasting solution is easily obtained online or from herbalists. Or you can buy the prepared mixture of dried herbs and make the elixir yourself by soaking them in alcohol.

I tried it a number of years go. It was perfectly successful but buying several bottles of vodka at a time made me feel uncomfortable!! Maria Trebin’s recipe, available online, is though, alcohol-free.

Swedish Bitters tonic using an alcoholic base can be made from these herbs: the leaf of aloe vera, angelica root, carline thistle root, camphor (wood), manna (sap), zedoary (root), anise seed, fennel seed, bitter orange peel, myrrh, liquorice root, rhubarb root, galangal root, gentian root, saffron, senna (pod) and ginger. Plus, the vodka. But there are many variations to the formula, including the non-alcohol version by Maria Trebin.

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver is a natural antibiotic. It has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-parasitical properties. It is used as a disinfectant. It can also be taken as an antiseptic after a course of pharmaceutical antibiotics. Use as a mouthwash: gargle and swallow. This will cleanse the bowel from harmful bacteria causing diarrhoea (clostridium).

Its healing properties are greatly underestimated. I heard a very moving story of a man in India years ago who had a gangrenous leg about to be amputated. An Englishman was near-by who knew of the power of colloidal silver. He pleaded with the doctors to administer a dose to the patient, under his instructions, because he was not putting himself forward as anyone qualified. Fortunately, the doctors were prepared to listen and treated the man, saving his leg, his livelihood and his life.

Tissue Salts

There are twelve inorganic mineral salts that naturally occur in the body. Identified by German doctor, Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, in the 19th century, he discovered that certain ailments erupted in the body from a deficiency in any one of these salts, which he called tissue salts. He developed these as a nutritional therapy, as a biochemical, as opposed to a homeopathic, system.

Each tissue salt, numbered from One to Twelve, or as a combination of two or more tissue salts, known by letters, A, B, C etc, are beneficial for a range of symptoms, but basically the twelve are recommended to aid the body in specific ways:

  1. Fluor. Calcium Fluoride. Elasticity
  2. Phos. Calcium Phosphate. Bone Health
  3. Sulph. Calcium Sulphate. Blood Cleanser
  4. +Ferr. Phos. Ferrum – Iron Phosphate. First Aid
  5. Kali Mur. Potassium Chloride. Decongestion; a Glandular Tonic
  6. Kali Phos. Potassium Phosphate. Nerve Nutrient
  7. Kali Sulph. Potassium Sulphate. Oxygen Distributor; Skin Balance
  8. Phos. Magnesium Phosphate. Muscle Relaxant
  9. Nat Mur. Sodium Chloride. Fluid Balancer
  10. Nat Phos. Sodium Phosphate. Acid Neutraliser
  11. Nat Sulph. Sodium Sulphate. Water Eliminator
  12. Silicon Dioxide. Hair, Skin and Nail Nutrient

There seem to be two main companies which produce the tissue salts. New Era Tissue Salts were manufactured in West London, and then went off the market for some years. Promoted as being back again and improved, they are now made in Italy by OLIMED, with a UK base. Another company, Martin and Pleasance, is an international company of 150 years standing, with a manufacturing base in Australia with a London address and a warehouse in Shrewsbury, UK. They market the salts simply as Schuessler Tissue Salts – the same twelve tissue salts with combinations of them as the doctor prescribed. Both suppliers are available on Amazon.

New Era brought in a product in the 1920s called ‘Elasto’ – known as Combination P – a mixture of Calc. Fluor., No. 1, Calc. Phos., No. 2, Kali. Phos., No. 6 and Mag. Phos., No. 8. Especially for poor circulation, it was and still is a welcome help for tired and aching legs.

The tissue salts from both companies are produced as small melt-in-the mouth tablets, although some say that the New Era salts dissolve better. There are no side-effects. If more are taken than the body requires, they are simply discarded.

The “Biochemical Handbook” revised by J S Goodwin and published by Thorsons is still available, and well worth buying to understand in more detail the immense range of nutritional help the tissue salts can provide. Keeping true to all Dr Schuessler’s findings and knowledge of the biochemical nature of the human body, the book is formatted to focus on its different parts and organs. 

From the synopsis of the book, you read, “Blood is to the human body what soil is to the plant”… and “By enriching the soil, the ill-conditioned plant can be made to recover and flourish”. This, it says, “is Biochemistry – The Chemistry of Living Tissue.”

An allegory to the soil that is not only true but topical, as a fresh and vigorous battle has gone on since 2020 over the Germ versus Terrain Theories.

Natural Non-Toxic Treatments


Chiropractic treatment involves a non-drug, non-surgical application mainly to the spine as the centre of the musculoskeletal system of the body. Specialised equipment can be used as well as the hands in order to align the spine and other joints and limbs.

The theory is that when the body is in a state of re-alignment, it can better heal itself and pain is relieved. Although sceptics have called chiropractic treatment a pseudo-science, even the NHS will admit to an experienced practitioner’s ability to manipulate some misaligned part of the body back into place without surgery.

I can bear witness to that, as my mother had what was called a ‘slipped disc’. A normally active and healthy woman, she was confined to her bed in great pain. Her doctor had been a naval surgeon in the war, and he worked on her spine with a chopping movement until, without further need for surgery, she was able to continue her life, and never had any recurring problems with her back.


The qualified osteopath will treat back pain, postural changes or problems due, perhaps, to pregnancy, or from driving, work related strains and stresses, minor sports injuries and in controlling the pain of arthritis.

The understanding here is that the structure of the body must work well, in order for the body to be well. By using touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage techniques, the mobility of joints is increased, muscle tension relieved, and the blood and nerve supply to tissues is enhanced. The body’s state of balance is restored, and its own healing ability is helped without prescription drugs or surgery.

Advice on good posture and exercise may be offered by an osteopath.


Physical Therapy (PT) is another term for Physiotherapy, which is most commonly used internationally. Through this form of treatment, the health of the body is promoted, maintained or restored. Diagnosis is made through physical examination and the severity of the problem assessed in order to proceed with rehabilitation, disease prevention and health promotion.

The aim of the physiotherapist is to help the individual return as much as possible to doing their former activities. Patients are helped by the reducing of their pain, and in improvement or the restoration of their mobility. Physiotherapists will also educate their patients as to how they should prevent or manage their condition to get the best out of their lives.

Creating fitness and wellness programs to encourage more healthy and active lifestyles in their patients is also something the physiotherapist’s training can provide. According to the problem, their aim is always to achieve better movement related to the patient’s specific need.


Reflexology involves a type of massage applying different strengths of pressure to the feet, hands and ears. It is based on the understanding that these extremities of the body, feet, hands and ears, connect with corresponding organs and body systems through the nervous system.

A gentle but firm massage on the specific areas releases tensions in the nervous system allowing the body to function as it should. Obviously, blood circulation is improved by the massaging, and this alone greatly helps the body to perform better.

Many other minor ailments and discomforts can be addressed by rubbing and massaging specific points for speedy correction. A gentle downward movement applied to specific points on the outer ear will relieve blocked sinuses. Pressure applied below the wrist will relieve a headache.

The feet, the hands and the ears are mapped out showing diagrammatically the corresponding parts of the body. For example, the area across the base of the fingers and toes relate to the eyes and ears.

There is much to re-learn in the Western world as to how the body actually functions and how, with proper applications, it can re-adjust, and in many cases be restored to perfect health.

For far too long, as you are hearing now, the USA, the UK, and Europe has been under the vile regime of Big Pharma, led by dishonourable billionaires.

These giant chemical-producing Corporations have purported to care for our health, when in fact they have been deliberately poisoning and harming their victims, as well as having a de-population program.

An excellent website advocating using these pressure points for allergies is Search “allergy treatment” in the search box on the website.


Aromatherapy uses the natural oils from flowers, tree bark, stems and leaves, as well as roots and other parts of plants. These are extracted and distilled by an expensive and precise process as essential oils for a range of applications.

The use of aromatherapy oils has existed for thousands of years, held by the Greeks, the Romans, the Indians and ancient Egyptians as a natural method of healing, either by application to the skin or by inhalation.

The qualified aromatherapist will seek information about the health, lifestyle and medical history of the patient. Both psychological – emotional – and physical wellbeing would be addressed for the ailment to be treated for the best results.

The benefits of aromatherapy are to manage pain, improve the quality of sleep, and reduce stress, agitation and anxiety. Sore joints may be soothed, headaches and migraines removed, as well as the alleviation of the side effects of chemotherapy. With this latter, however, I would have to question the benefit of a “therapy” which kills good healthy cells as well as cancerous cells, which chemotherapy does!!

However, the use of aromatherapy to ease the discomforts of labour pains is more beneficial that injections! Essential oils are said to fight harmful bacteria and fungi, improve digestion and boost the immune system. All of which would be beneficial. In the relief of pain, as said earlier as one of its benefits, aromatherapy treatment could be appropriate in a hospice for palliative care.

Aromatherapy can alleviate a number of conditions, such as asthma, insomnia, fatigue, depression, inflammation, peripheral neuropathy – which is damage to the extremities, such as the hands, feet, and arms – women’s menstrual and menopausal issues, alopecia – which is hair loss – cancer, and arthritis.

From that list one can see that some conditions are mainly physical, and some are psychological. Stress can be the cause of many ailments. If the appropriate essential oil as prescribed by a caring and experienced aromatherapist really helps, then this is far superior to the toxic pharmaceutical drugs prescribed by a GP.

The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) – its website is – gives a list of the most popular essential oils. They are in alphabetical order; some will be more familiar than others. They are: clary sage, cypress, eucalyptus, fennel, geranium, ginger, helichrysum, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, mandarin, neroli, patchouli, peppermint, Roman chamomile, rose, rosemary, tea tree, vetiver, ylang ylang; that’s twenty in all. It is interesting to discover the amazing range of benefits these essential oils possess.

Clary sage oil is from a Mediterranean plant and known in medieval times as “clear eyes” and used for strained and fatigued eyes. It is also good for women’s problems including labour pains.

Cypress oil is distilled from the branches of the Mediterranean cypress. It has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties; it is a diuretic, and is antispasmodic, and has blood clotting qualities.

Eucalyptus oil is well known for its healing properties, cleansing and clearing chests and throats, and healing and disinfecting wounds. It is also good as a natural repellent for bugs, mosquitoes and other biting insects.

Fennel oil distilled from the seeds of the fennel herb is a wound healer and a gut healer! It is an antioxidant and is antimicrobial and contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds. Fennel generally is a herbal remedy. Making a tea from the seeds also aids digestion, helping the gut to function properly. Also, when our hormones need regulating, as when experiencing menstrual disorders or during the menopause, or with acne, fertility or libido problems, a tea brewed from the fennel seeds is recommended.

Following a serious road accident in my mid-twenties, a visit to the herbalist and taking her remedy of fennel tea for a fortnight, re-regulated my traumatised organs wonderfully! But back to the oils!

Geranium oil is used among many other benefits as an astringent. It has antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic properties, and helps with neurodegenerative dis-eases. Search for 13 Incredible Benefits of Geranium Essential Oils

Ginger oil helps with liver function, and with respiratory, digestive and stomach problems, inflammation, and food poisoning. It is rich in antioxidants.

Helichrysum oil is found in all the green parts of the Helichrysum italicum plant. But the flowers also are used for medicinal purposes. Helichrysum oil benefits the body in many ways, including the heart, the gut and the skin. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.

Lavender oil is produced by steam distillation of the aromatic flowers. It is a well-known relaxant. Other benefits are in skin care, hair growth, relieving joint pain and sore muscles, healing minor burns and wounds and the troubling spots of acne, for soothing insect bites and repelling stinging insects, especially mosquitoes. is a website to be recommended.

Lemon oil is generally known for clearing congestion in the nose and shortness of breath following a winter cold or ‘flu. It is also good for maintaining oral and dental health, preventing bad breath from bacteria.

Lemongrass oil comes from the lemon-scented plant from the mint family. Since ancient times it has been used to calm anxious nerves, sleep disturbances, indigestion and wounds.

Mandarin essential oil – also known as tangerine essential oil, although the tangerine fruit is without the pips – has beneficial properties as an antiseptic, antispasmodic, circulatory, digestive and a tonic substance for the body’s cells. It can be used as a relaxant and sedative. It is used to tone the stomach to improve its function and increase appetite. It helps to generate new skin cells, particularly with burns. It helps to remove impurities from the blood and digestive system. It helps to treat and aid the work of the liver.

Neroli oil is extracted from the flowers of the bitter orange tree. It is also called Orange Blossom Oil. Neroli oil is antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidant. Its soothing properties are therefore used in skin products and for the treatment of depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, seizures and for the relief of menopausal symptoms by inhaling the oil.

Patchouli oil is produced from the leaves of the bushy herb patchouli, a plant of the mint family. It is used for skin conditions. Its properties include being anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and bringing relieve from pain.

Peppermint oil is from the peppermint plant, a hybrid from watermint and spearmint plants. The cooling and refreshing effect of peppermint oil is beneficial in calming itching, muscle pain and headaches. It has been a proven help in the treatment of IBS and other gastrointestinal problems.

Roman chamomile oil is steam distilled from the flowers of the chamomile plant. Another essential oil with soothing properties, Roman chamomile is beneficial for calming the mind and body whether it be soothing the skin or a migraine headache or taming unruly hair.

It has natural antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, making it beneficial against food allergies and hay fever. It relieves mucus congestion, irritations, swelling and skin complaints associated with seasonal allergies. It also has antispasmodic properties which can alleviate the cramps and aches associated with PMS.

Rose oil has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties making one of the most beneficial essential oils for treating skin disorders, wounds and the effects of stress.

Rosemary oil is another “all-rounder”, with benefits to digestive problems – stomach cramps, bloating etc – respiratory problems, oral health, and coping with stress and pain. Its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties make it a useful treatment for many skin complaints.

Tea tree oil contains compounds which kill bad bacteria and fungi. It is used as an antiseptic, and is therefore a natural hand sanitiser, a repellent for biting insects such as mosquitoes, a treatment for minor cuts and abrasions by mixing with coconut oil, and a mouthwash of one drop of the tea tree oil in a cup of warm water.

Vetiver oil comes from a perennial grass native to India and is produced by the normal method of steam distillation. It is similar to lemongrass. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it helps with pain and boosts the health of the circulatory and nervous systems, thus enabling the treatment of many different health conditions.

Ylang Ylang oil is steam distilled from the flowers of a tropical tree. It has been an essential oil to heal the skin and thicken the hair for centuries. It has been used to improve the flow of blood through the body and help with maintaining blood pressure. It has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties which help in the treatment of pain including cramps and as a natural option in repelling mosquitoes.

Homeopathy, as we continue to look at Natural Non-Toxic Treatments, is one of the most maligned of all natural therapies by the Medical Industry – that self-aggrandised corporation that excels in its own ignorance!! Wikipedia describes homeopathy as a pseudoscience. But is that true? Can we honestly say that Pharmaceutical Corporations follow real Science?

Homeopathy UK was originally founded in 1902 as the British Homeopathy Association. The UK’s leading homeopathy charity is committed to the promotion and practice of homeopathy. Its website states that, “Homeopathy treats each person as a unique individual with the aim of stimulating their own natural healing ability.”

The National Center for Homeopathy is based in Maryland, USA. Most of the current Board Members found health solutions in homeopathy when their young sons became ill!

Other testimonies attribute homeopathy treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, depression, bone cancer in a dog, eczema, serious allergies, fibromyalgia, and multiple illnesses in a horse.

A look at Homeopathy must also include Bach Flower Remedies (BFR) as a natural, gentle method to restore balance to the body and mind. There is a choice of 38 different remedies for a range of emotional disturbances, which many have a solution for with just 2 drops on the tongue. Adults, children and pets have been treated successfully.

Acupuncture is a traditional 2000-year-old Chinese medical practice based on the knowledge that when the body’s life energy becomes blocked or disturbed, various ailments can arise.

The main purpose for using acupuncture is for relieving chronic pain. The use of special tiny needles inserted into precise points in the body where the blood vessels converge with the nerves, improves blood flow which boosts oxygenation in the body, thus providing relief from pain. The needles stimulate the body’s tissues at that local point, helping to support the nervous system, promote circulation and generally enhance the body’s healing process.

As with many other non-pharmaceutically driven medical treatments, acupuncture serves to activate the body’s own self-healing ability.

An acupuncturist may also use additional techniques. These include:

Moxibustion, which involves heated sticks made from dried herbs. The sticks are held near to the needles to warm and stimulate the acupuncture points.

Electroacupuncture, where an electrical device is connected to several needles to provide a weak electrical current to stimulate the needles.

Cupping, where glass or silicone cups are applied to the skin to produce a suction and pulling of the flesh into the cup. This helps to stimulate blood flow and balance the energy in the body.

The main goal of acupuncture is to obtain self-healing of the body under treatment.

This is the complete opposite of body piercing. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) knows that disrupting the meridians of the body with piercings has a damaging effect. 

Five Proven International Health Care Systems

These fascinating systems with their amazing technology are able to provide real answers to a vast range of common health issues, problems and disabilities.

  1. The Vega Test Machine

This device mentioned earlier analyses the condition of the patient’s organs by means of electro-magnetic pulses through the body. From the findings, natural medicines are prescribed which deal with the underlying cause of the ailment.

The secret of success of natural medicines is that the Cause and not the Symptoms are treated; no side-effects and no more drugs to aggravate the trouble which the previously prescribed drug caused! The Scientific Background and Trial Testing Results are available from Herr Michael Hollberg, email:

  1. NugaBest

The main equipment is an “all-in-one therapeutic medical bed” using tournamium stones – ceramic stones made from tourmaline, germanium, volcanic rock and elvan rocks. The bed, built as a strong frame with programmed rollers to stimulate the spine of the user, acts as a chiropractic and acupuncture tool, benefiting those organs of the body which are fed by the spinal column. Far infra-red and low frequency rays are incorporated in the bed and in a range of other products. Back pain, high blood pressure, diabetes, stress, depression, arthritis and other ailments are said to be treatable with NugaBest products.

For more information one can go to the website: or telephone their base in Crawley, West Sussex, UK, which can be found from their website.

  1. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)

The earth has a magnetic field, which is helpful to the function of our bodies, especially for the brain and for the healing process, as the body’s cells require voltage to order to function and to heal.

“PEMF devices do not treat a specific condition. Instead they optimise the body’s natural self-healing and self-regulating functions.” That is what Dr Magda Havas, a professional in the electro-magnetic therapy field, said.

On her website,, she explains that as we are also electromagnetic beings, we respond to external sources of electromagnetic frequencies in a variety of ways that can be either beneficial or harmful.

Therefore, the clear distinction is made between what is called electro smog (dirty electricity) – the harmful artificially generated radiation from cell towers and from close-proximity wi-fi devices, and the beneficial and healing electromagnetic frequencies emitted from PEMF devices.

Jerry Tennant, MD, said to be a world-renowned doctor on energy medicine has written several books on Healing is Voltage. Born in 1940, he has lectured on electrical medicine since 1996. In his book “Healing is Voltage: The Handbook” – on Amazon, of course! – he says, “Chronic disease and loss of well-being is defined by a low electrical charge. With enough voltage and raw materials, the body can heal almost anything.”

Another quote is, “The cells in the body are designed to run at -20 to -25 millivolts. In order to heal, we must make new cells. To make a new cell requires -50 millivolts. We experience chronic illness when voltage drops below -20 millivolts. Once our cells’ voltage drops below that level, they are unable to heal. They become dysfunctional.”

This is immensely interesting. And according to Marlenea La Shomb, writing in Natural Life News as she assesses the first one hundred pages of the Handbook, Jerry Tennant said that in speaking of pH values – the acid to alkaline balance, we are really speaking about the measurement of voltage. And the main things that control voltage are: thyroid hormones, fulvic acid, dental infections, scars, and exercise.

Fulvic acid is an organic humic substance, produced by decomposition where millions of beneficial microbes are released. Taken as a supplement, it is said to enhance the immune system, improve muscle strength, boost cell function, and protect against cancer. Its pH value is 5.50.

Expanding on what making new cells requires, besides the -50 millivolts of energy, are amino acids to make the inside of cells, fats to make the outside of cells, vitamins and minerals to make the metabolic processes work, oxygen as a fuel system (to metabolising fats and glucose), and the lymphatic system to remove toxic substances…

Jerry Tennant also brings to light the fact of Electron Stealers and Electron Donors, according to the pH value in a thing and its electrical characteristics. Electron Stealers are free radicals, they do cellular damage and have a Positive pole, are Destructive and spin to the left; anti-clockwise. Their pH range is from 0 to 6.9, Acidic. Electron Donors are antioxidants, doing cellular repair, and have a Negative pole, are Constructive and spin to the right; clockwise. Their pH range is from 7.1 to 14, Alkaline.

PEMF therapy is considered appropriate to reduce inflammation, swelling and pain. It is used to renew energy and produce better sleep

Interesting Facts about some foods:

Camembert cheese has a pH of 7.44. (alkaline)

Egg white 7.86 (alkaline)

Corn on the cob 6.0 (acidic)

Ripe bananas 6.6 (acidic)

  1. The Rife (Bio-resonance) Machine

These machines use resonant light technology, low-energy electrical energy. Plates, or pads, for either the hands or feet, or a hand-held device like a wand are connected to the machine which emits the electrical impulses.

The Rife machine emits frequencies from 0 to millions of Hertz. The recommended use is for a few minutes each day several times a week.

Royal Raymond Rife created his Rife machine around the 1930s. He discovered that short exposures every few days produced the best results, using very precise radio frequencies. Harmful bacteria were attacked, helping the patient to heal.

Today, Rife machines run on software which can link up with a computer, and using headphones, and can be rented through Rent-A-Rife, website,

Both these therapies – the PEMF device and the Rife Machine – use electro-magnetic frequencies, and both have been used by therapists and individuals for decades. Lower intensity and frequencies produces the best results, especially for inflammation and nerve ailments. The mind and body is put into a more relaxed state, enabling the body to regain its natural balance.

  1. The Rayonex System

Paul Schmidt (1922 – 1994) was a Medical Engineer and Founder of Rayonex Biomedical GmbH – a German limited company – who spent more than 50 years researching Bioresonance. The Rayonex system offers a safe and non-invasive health assessment using health-restoring technology from Germany.

From the website of therapy company Tailored Wellness,, is this quote:

“The main difference between the Rayonex system and other systems is the way that frequencies are being generated – a passive dipole antenna to manually generate resonance fields in order to enhance the healing frequencies our bodies need. All the other devices on the market use a conventional frequency generator which generates frequencies by using electricity, thus limiting the results and potentially causing unwanted side effects.

The other significant advantage is that the Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0 device generates frequencies across a whole spectrum of ranges (from Hertz to Kilohertz, Megahertz and Gigahertz) with the use of fundamental frequency values. This allows imbalances in the body to be harmonised before they manifest as disease in the body. This is a ground-breaking innovation in the field of medical prophylaxes and no other system on the market offers this.” [end of quote]

A Summary of These Five Treatments

In Summary of these five natural health aids, each one connects with the electrical system of the human body. We are both chemical and electrical in physical make-up, and this is mostly ignored by the medical industry whose only aim is to make us reliant on their toxic products.

As we have experienced world-wide during 2020 and 2021, it is nothing about Health and of making us better!

If you feel that any of these natural therapies would benefit you, it would be a wiser choice to make to be treated by these methods over pharmaceutical drugs every time!

So that brings us to the end of this comprehensive, in-depth look at nutritious foods and helpful therapies and healthcare aids for you to consider! Knowing the variety of the alternatives available in contrast to Rockefeller’s Nefarious Scheme to destroy life for profit, will help keep you free, well, happy and healthy!

A General Summary

As with all promoted therapies, treatment, and health aids, and even the properties of the foods, it is important to do your own research and investigate as to what is suitable for you. Search out the genuine and honest natural health practitioners; experienced, able to show empathy, with a holistic view, treating the root causes and not the symptoms. In other words, One who treats you as a human being and not as a Pharmaceutical Representative statistic!

Increasingly, we will find more former medics, nurses and healthcare professionals coming out of the medical industry, either disgusted or ashamed at the deceptions and falsehoods of late. They will gradually form an honest and valuable network of clinics and healthcare services which will give sound health and nutritional advice without a whiff of Big Pharma!

These are the people you will go to if you are really ill and in need of expert opinions and treatment. Otherwise, if you are already in relative good health and want to keep it so, I sincerely hope you will benefit from the nutritional information you have heard.

This, after all, is the message of this whole book – How To Look After Your Own Health!

Here is a quote from Spanish doctors closing a most fascinating film on the Bluetooth connection with the vaccinated!

“What is a healthy life? Proper thoughts, proper food, proper nutrients, proper habits, and be around people who really contribute or help us.”

And Finally…

I’m going to close with this notice which was on a doctor’s surgery window in Abilene, Texas, America:

After it saying that he was not the Gestapo, and people could choose to wear a mask or not, it ended “Trust God. Trust your immune system. Eat healthy. Get sunshine. Smile more. Take Vitamin C and Zinc. Don’t panic. Stress will destroy your immune system … and most importantly: Turn Off the Fake News!”

Although I have said it is for you to look after the health of your own body, in actual fact, you really belong to the Lord Jesus Christ who bought you with His own Blood! He has paid the Price for you to become a true child of God. Believing on Him brings Eternal Life not dead Religion!

I wish you every blessing that you will live the full and happy life that the True and Living God intended you to live by.




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